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Maps and Geographic Information System (GIS) Resources: Other Academics

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Other GIS Academic Programs in Florida

Brevard Community College (college website) offers GIS courses.

 Florida Atlantic University -- Center for Geo-Information Science -- "was established in 1998 and pursues excellence through applied and theoretical research in spatial information technology.  In that spatial information technology enables work across disciplinary lines, the center focuses on encouraging multi-disciplinary research.  The center functions as a key resource for business, industry, government, social services, with responsiveness to local, regional, and international problems."

Florida International University -- GIS-RS Center -- "The FIU Library Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing Center supports research & teaching from many academic units, including Engineering, Computer Science, Biology, Environmental Studies, Earth Science, Public Health, International Studies, etc. in the areas of geo-spatial data, visualization, analysis & modeling. The major research focus of the center are in Web Portal GIS technology, geospatial data dissemination and visualization, Geo-spatial metadata management and creation, web interactive mapping, etc."

Florida State University

  • College of Social Science's GIS Laboratory -- "The mission of the COSS GIS Lab is to provide state of the art facilities and training for tomorrow's professional planners and geographers who will be using GIS technologies. In addition, the lab endeavors to offer state of the art equipment, software and facilities for research agendas throughout the college that have GIS components. Departments such as, Political Science, Sociology, Economics and Interdisciplinary Studies all have been supported by the facilities in the GIS Lab. Relationships with other departments such as Biology, Meteorology, Geology, Classics, Anthropology, Archaeology and others have been established and all these departments have taken advantage of lab resources and software."
  • Florida Resources and Environmental Analysis Center (FREAC) -- "established in 1969, is the original center within the Institute of Science and Public Affairs (ISPA) at Florida State University (FSU). FREAC professionals conduct research in the general areas of resource management and environmental analysis, as well as provide advice and technical assistance to state and local agencies. Public lands research and analysis, geographic information system development, and graphic representation of digital databases are current and long-range FREAC research interests. FREAC also trains university students in these areas through direct involvement in projects, providing real-world experiences.

Indian River State College (college website) -- The Civil Engineering Technology Program offers Core Specialization coursework in GIS and surveying.

University of Central Florida -- See the separate tab on this guide

University of Florida

  • GeoPlan Center -- "The Geo-Facilities Planning and Information Research Center, or GeoPlan Center, was established in 1984 as a response to local and statewide needs for a teaching and research environment in Geographic Information Systems (GIS)."
  • Geomatics Program -- "offers an integrated approach for the study of various geo-spatial measurement systems and technologies. Students may choose to get the Bachelor’s degree in Geomatics at any of our three campuses within the state or get a Certificate in Surveying from anywhere in the country. The School of Forest Resources and Conservation also offers master's and doctoral students the opportunity to advance their studies with a concentration in Geomatics."

University of South Florida

  • Center for Urban Transportation Research -- "The GIT and Transportation Data Group is dedicated to conducting research activities that facilitate the use and analysis of transportation related geo-spatial data."
  • Florida Center for Community Design & Research -- "The Planning Informatics program uses advanced information technology such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS), web-enabled database management systems, CAD, and 3-D visualization to assist local communities in projects that improve decision making about future growth, development, and the management of natural resources."

University of West Florida -- GeoData Center -- "partners with the UWF Department of Environmental Studies to offer academic courses in Geographic Information Science as well as a GIScience certificate program. The Departments of Anthropology and Allied Health and Life Sciences also offer specialized courses utilizing GIS."