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Access & Freedom of Information: Federal

Key Federal Resources

FOIA - Freedom of Information Act (U.S. Dept of Justice, Office of Information Policy)

Federal FOI Resources (National Freedom of Information Coalition)

Other Federal Resources

FBI Electronic Reading Room

National Personnel Records Center (National Archives) - "a central repository of personnel-related records, both military and civil service."

National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Books (George Washington University) - "provide online access to critical declassified records on issues including U.S. national security, foreign policy, diplomatic and military history, intelligence policy, and more. Updated frequently, the Electronic Briefing Books represent just a small sample of the documents in our published and unpublished collections."

OMB Watch - "a nonprofit government watchdog organization located in Washington, promote open government, accountability and citizen participation." - a free, searchable database of federal government spending on contracts and grants with annual data beginning in fiscal year 2000. See also the federal government website

The Right-to-Know Network "provides free access to numerous environmental databases." - "a coalition of journalists, consumer and good government groups, environmentalists, library groups, labor, and others united to make the federal government a more open place in order to make us safer, strengthen public trust in government, and support our democratic principles."

  • Press Room - reports, testimony, letters, video, webcasts, etc.
  • Right-to-Know Databases - census, Congress, contracts & grants, energy, environment, labor, transportation, other

Project on Government Secrecy (Federation of American Scientists) "Through research, advocacy, and public education, the FAS Project on Government Secrecy works to challenge excessive government secrecy and to promote public oversight."

Transactional Record Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) "highly detailed but easy-to-access information on selected federal enforcement agencies, special topical reports, and 'bulletins' about federal enforcement, staffing and expenditures."