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International Laws & Legal Systems

EUR-Lex EU Law Database

Digest of International Law

Digest of United States Practice in International Law

Digest of International Law (Whiteman)

  • U.S. Documents S 7.12/2: (1963-1973)

Digest of International Law (Hackworth)

  • U.S. Documents S 7.12: (1940-1943)

A Digest of International Law as embodied in diplomatic discussions, treaties & other international agreements, international awards, the decisions of municipal courts, and the writings of jurists, and especially in documents, published & unpublished, issued by Presidents & Secretaries of State of the United States, the opinions of the Attorneys-General, and the decisions of courts, federal & state (Moore)

  • Online version - v.1, v.2, v.3, v.4, v.5, v.6, v.7, v.8 (1906) (Serial Set vol. 4202)
  • General Collection JX 237 .M7 (1906)

A Digest of the International Law of the United States, taken from documents issued by Presidents & Secretaries of State, and from decisions of federal courts & opinions of Attorneys-General (Wharton)