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Nexis Uni Help

Nexis Uni Help

When you are logged into the Nexis Uni database the link for Help in the top right corner of the screen connects you to sections of the Help files relevant to what you are doing. For example, if you are looking at the Sources menu then it provides tips for selecting sources; if you have results of a search displayed it provides tips for narrowing your results.

Background Color / Contrast

If you're having difficulty reading text because of lack of contrast with the background, you can switch from night/dark mode to day/light mode with the toggle at the top right.

Special limiters


w/n -- Use the w/n connector to find documents in which the first word appears within n words of the second one.

w/p -- Use the w/p (within paragraph) connector to find documents with search words that appear within approximately 75 words of each other.

w/s -- Use the w/s (within sentence) connector to find documents with search words that appear within approximately 25 words of each other.

At least -- Use the atleast command to require that a term or terms appear "at least" so many times in a document. Use atleast when you want only documents that contain an in-depth discussion on a topic rather than just a mention.

atleast5("judicial deference")

Length -- Find articles based on number of words, e.g., 500 words or more to eliminate short news updates
