The most comprehensive ABI/INFORM™ database, this comprises ABI/INFORM Global, ABI/INFORM Trade and Industry, and ABI/INFORM Dateline. The database features thousands of full-text journals, dissertations, working papers, key business and economics periodicals such as the Economist, country-and industry-focused reports, and downloadable data. Its international coverage gives researchers a complete picture of companies and business trends around the world
A collection of company & industry information, including articles, financials, brand information, rankings, investment reports, company histories, and chronologies
(formerly Business & Company Resource Center)
Business Source Premier is the industry’s most used business research database, providing full text for more than 2,300 journals, including full text for more than 1,100 peer-reviewed titles. This database provides full text back to 1886, and searchable cited references back to 1998. Business Source Premier is superior to the competition in full text coverage in all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics. This database is updated daily on EBSCOhost.
To manually search MarketLine reports via EBSCOhost, connect to Business Source Premier, search for "Marketline" and then use the left column filter to limit Publisher to "Marketline"
* Thanks for extending UCF's Lynda subscription to: Academic Affairs, College Of Arts And Humanities, College Of Business, College Of Engineering, College Of Grad Studies, College Of Medicine, College Of Sciences, Digital Learning, Information Technologies & Resources, Student Development And Enrollment Services
"Provides access to over 3000+ instructional videos and exercise files to active students and faculty at UCF. Videos covering the latest software, creative, and business skills. Taught by accomplished teachers and recognized industry experts, is a high-quality resource for students, faculty, and staff looking to develop skills in Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Suite, project management, social media, and a wide range of other topics."
Mergent Intellect by FTSE RussellThis link opens in a new window"Mergent Intellect is a highly flexible web-based application that features a deep collection of worldwide business information that enables companies to generate insightful business intelligence."
See video tutorials
"Coupling Mergent's expertise in developing products for the reference marketplace with D&B®'s private company database, Mergent Intellect offers new and existing clients a unique opportunity to access private and public U.S and international business data, industry news, facts and figures, executive contact information, the ability to access industry profiles and much more.
Additionally, through Mergent’s partnership with Whitepages Pro, clients now have immediate access to contact information for over 250 million U.S. consumers. This enhanced search tool features specific information - name, address, previous address, age, number of household members and reverse phone number lookup capabilities - another valuable source of business insight."
SimplyAnalytics "enables non-technical users to quickly create professional quality thematic maps and reports using extensive demographic, business and marketing data." NOTE: Limited to 5 simultaneous users
Full text ebooks covering specific areas of business, including supply and operations management, international business, social media, finance, accounting, public relations, and marketing strategy.
Subject areas include:
- Analytics
- Business intelligence
- Business logistics
- Consumer behavior
- Decision making
- Decision support systems
- Economic conditions
- Entrepreneurship
- Forecasting
- Globalization
- Information services
- International business enterprises
- Leadership
- Lean manufacturing
- Management
- Marketing
- Planning
- Public relations
- Strategic planning
- Strategy
- Supply chain management
- Sustainability
Human Resources Abstracts includes bibliographic records covering essential areas related to human resources, including human resource management, employee assistance, organizational behavior, and other areas of key relevance to the discipline. The index contains more than 112,000 records, which are carefully selected from the most important sources within the discipline.
Links to Nexis Companies page. Links for Company Dossier options are on the right side of the page.
Search for information about specific companies, executives, or industries. Create a company list based on criteria such as NAICS industry classification or geographic location.
Company Dossier is part of Nexis Uni business information solutions including: legal, corporate, government, law enforcement, tax, accounting, academic, and risk and compliance assessment.
Database for searching information on stocks, companies, industries and mutual funds. Access to nine of the most popular S&P publications including Stock Reports, Industry Surveys, Corporation Records, and The Outlook.
This database provides comprehensive full text coverage for regional business publications. Regional Business News incorporates coverage of more than 80 regional business publications covering all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States.
"Included in this database are Arizona Business, Business North Carolina, Crain's New York Business (and other Crain Communications editions), Des Moines Business Record, Enterprise Salt Lake City, Fort Worth Business Press, Orange County Business Journal, Westchester County Business Journal, etc."
See also a different publisher's database which includes the Orlando Business Journal and over 35 other U.S. cities.
U.S. content includes:
- Census, 1790-2020+
- Crime, 2010+
- Elections, 1912+
- Environmental Summaries, 2001, 2006, 2011
- Health, 2010+
- Religion, 1980-2020
See Research Guide for tips.
UCF subscription now allows for unlimited simultaneous access!
International content includes:
- World Development Indicators, 1960-2015
- European Statistics, 1990-2014
- UK Census, 2011
- Canadian Census, 2011
- Ireland Religion Data, 1911-2001
A collection of company & industry information, including articles, financials, brand information, rankings, investment reports, company histories, and chronologies
(formerly Business & Company Resource Center)
Company Dossier -- Company Search -- Recent Business News -- Recent Supreme Court Business Opinions -- Recent Law Review Articles -- Recent Business Blog Posts -- Featured Publications
To manually search MarketLine reports via EBSCOhost, connect to Business Source Premier, search for "Marketline" and then use the left column filter to limit Publisher to "Marketline"
"Mergent Intellect is a highly flexible web-based application that features a deep collection of worldwide business information that enables companies to generate insightful business intelligence."
See video tutorials
"Coupling Mergent's expertise in developing products for the reference marketplace with D&B®'s private company database, Mergent Intellect offers new and existing clients a unique opportunity to access private and public U.S and international business data, industry news, facts and figures, executive contact information, the ability to access industry profiles and much more.
Additionally, through Mergent’s partnership with Whitepages Pro, clients now have immediate access to contact information for over 250 million U.S. consumers. This enhanced search tool features specific information - name, address, previous address, age, number of household members and reverse phone number lookup capabilities - another valuable source of business insight."
Database for searching information on stocks, companies, industries and mutual funds. Access to nine of the most popular S&P publications including Stock Reports, Industry Surveys, Corporation Records, and The Outlook.