Let's pretend we are searching for peer-reviewed research articles related to the skin to skin contact (kangaroo care) on breastfeeding outcomes.
1. Access CINAHL Ultimate by starting at the library home page https://library.ucf.edu/ and clicking on Databases. Click on "OpenAthens Login for UCF" to log in. Then click on Health, Medicine, & Nursing -> Nursing" (you can do this by the drop-down menu or the database subject list). Then click on CINAHL Ultimate.
2. In the first line type: "kangaroo care" or "skin to skin" or skin-to-skin
Tip: Putting quotation marks around two or more terms searches them as a phrase.
3. In the second line type: breastfeed* or "breast feed*"
Tip: Use the asterisk to search for the variation of a word (e.g. - breastfeed* yields results containing breastfeed, breastfeeds, and breastfeeding all at the same time).
4. Click on Advanced Search.
5. Scroll down under ‘Limit Your Results’ and check the Research Article, English Language, and Peer Reviewed boxes. Change the dates to 2019 - 2024.
6. Click Search.
Remember to set the “Page Options” to Detailed to display the entire abstract for each record in the results list for easy screening.
How many results did you retrieve?
Go to Question 1 in the library assignment quiz in your course.
7. Find and click on the title "The Effect of Mother-Infant Skin-to-Skin Contact Immediately After Birth on Exclusive Breastfeeding: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis".
Scroll down to the Publication Type field. What is listed for this article?
Look in the abstract. Did the researchers interact directly with the participants or data or did they analyze other studies?
Go to Question 2 in the quiz.
8. Go back to the Result List.
9. Find and click on the title "Evaluation of the Effects of Skin-to-Skin Contact on Newborn Sucking, and Breastfeeding Abilities: A Quasi-Experimental Study Design". Hint: You may have to scroll up to find the article.
Scroll down to the Publication Type field. What is listed for this article?
Look in the abstract. Did the researchers interact directly with the participants or data or did they analyze other studies?
Go to Question 3 in the quiz.