This section relates to retrieving full text (entire) versions of articles through our databases.
One very important proactive practice that you can take to ensure seamless access to the full text is to authenticate through Webcourses at the beginning of your session. Here are some simple steps:
a) From your UCF online course, click on UCF Library Tools.
b) Click on Databases List. This process should authorize you to access the databases.
Alternatively, you could:
a) Start out from the library homepage and click on the in the upper righthand corner
b) Under Database and Online Access, click on the OpenAthens Login button
c) Log in with your NID/pw at the prompt
d) On the next screen, click on Database List and Subject Pages
e) On the right hand side (under popular databases) click on CINAHL Plus with Full Text, Medline, or another database or browse a subject on the left hand side.
When you are in a database, look for the PDF or HTML Full text option to get the entire article. If the direct PDF or HTML Full Text links are not available, click on the Find @ UCF link. The library buys online access to thousands of journals. The Full Text button links you to the full text if it is available.
When If you are already in the record, the Find at UCF button May be on the side:
You should be routed to a page in our Primo Discovery system which offers options to get the full text:
There are three options to try after clicking on the Find @ UCF button:
Option 1 – View this article in a database
Let’s say you click on the Find @ UCF text for a record that is in Science Direct. Click on “View this article at Science Direct” link to access the record.
If you land on Science Direct homepage rather than a specific record, try a title search for the article in the search box.
Option 2 - Google Scholar:
If the first option doesn’t work try Google Scholar. Full text options are typically listed on the right hand side of Google Scholar.
Option 3 – Journals List
If the above methods aren’t working, move on to the Journals option to obtain the full text. You can get to Online Journals through the UCF Libraries homepage by clicking the Journals tab:
a) Enter the title of a specific journal (i.e., Advances in Nursing Science) and click Search Journals to see if it is available electronically.
b) Click on the title of the journal.
c) On the following screen, Options for Getting the Full Text, you will see a list of databases (e.g., “Ovid & LWW eJournals”) which may provide the full text of your article.
D) Choose one of the options to go to the database.
On the next screen, perform a title search for the journal article OR browse by date and follow the year, volume, issue to the specific pages. Scroll the table of contents of the journal for the title of your article.
Are you sure the article is available full text? If not, try our InterLibrary Loan Service so you don’t have to purchase it - the library pays up to $25 per article for you! Here is a 2 minute video which explains the ILL process in detail along with some quick steps:
Borrowing From Other Libraries from UCF Libraries on Vimeo.