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Artificial Intelligence

AI Tools vs Databases

AI tools are not databases. AI tools lack the curated precision of traditional databases but can provide quick answers and facilitate exploratory research. Some AI tools can assist in locating sources, but library databases remain the most reliable repositories of authoritative and scholarly information. A number of AI tools are paired with databases, or there are other forms of overlap, so it is important to understand the underlying mechanisms and content available through a tool or database. To ensure you are using the right tools and resources, consult with a librarian.



Databases, such as library catalogs and scholarly databases like EBSCO, ProQuest, and Gale, are structured collections of information designed for precise retrieval and accountability. They are built with indexing, categorization, and metadata to ensure that users can locate specific resources, such as peer-reviewed articles, books, or data sets. Their reliability stems from the curation of content by experts and the use of standardized search mechanisms. Database users benefit from gaining specific knowledge of search techniques, such as Boolean logic and subject headings, which can be supported by consultations with librarians.


AI Tools

AI tools, such as natural language processing models and machine learning algorithms, are dynamic systems designed for a multitude of purposes. For the tools designed to locate sources of information, their methods for locating those materials or ensuring quality may not be readily transparent. Their strength lies in their adaptability and power to interpret natural language, making them accessible to users without specialized search expertise. However, most AI tools cannot guarantee the accuracy or source of their output.  

AI Tools Integrated into Databases

Several library databases are now incorporating AI tools, which essentially act as a research companion with AI-powered suggestions and insights. They enhance the user experience by combining the precision of traditional database systems with the dynamic capabilities of artificial intelligence. Their services range and may include: 

  • simplifying the search process
  • helping users craft more effective search queries
  • navigating through research materials
  • recommending results
  • analyzing results

Examples include: 

  • ProQuest Research Assistant 
  • EBSCO AI Insights