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Call numbers HJ - PQ

All of the General Collection materials from call numbers HJ-M have been moved into the ARC. Most of the General Collection materials from call numbers N-PQ have not yet been moved into the ARC and these books and journals still can be browsed by physically visiting the John C. Hitt Library. As the ARC project progresses over the next few years online guide pages will be developed for these call numbers.

Call Number Subject
HJ Public finance
HM Sociology (General)
HN Social history & conditions. Social problems. Social reform
HQ The family. Marriage. Women
HS Societies: secret, benevolent, etc.
HT Communities. Classes. Races
HV Social pathology. Social & public welfare. Criminology
HX Socialism. Communism. Anarchism
J General legislative & executive papers
JA Political science (General)
JC Political theory
JF Political institutions & public administration
JK Political institutions & public administration (United States)
JL Political institutions & public administration (Canada, Latin America, etc.)
JN Political institutions & public administration (Europe)
JQ Political institutions & public administration (Asia, Africa, Australia, Pacific Area, etc.)
JS Local government. Municipal government
JV Colonies & colonization. Emigration & immigration. International migration
JX International law (obsolete) - see JZ and KZ
JZ International relations
K Law in general. Comparative & uniform law. Jurisprudence
KB Religious law in general. Comparative religious law. Jurisprudence
KBM Jewish law
KBP Islamic law
KBR History of canon law
KBU Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See
KD-KDK United Kingdom & Ireland
KDZ America. North America
KE Canada
KF United States
- KFF - Florida
KG Latin America - Mexico & Central America - West Indies. Caribbean area
KH South America
KJ-KKZ Europe
KL-KWX Asia & Eurasia, Africa, Pacific Area & Antarctica
KZ Law of nations
L Education (General)
LA History of education
LB Theory & practice of education
LC Special aspects of education
LD Individual institutions - United States
LE Individual institutions - America (except U.S.)
LF Individual institutions - Europe
LG Individual institutions - Asia, Africa, Indian Ocean Islands,
Australia, New Zealand, Pacific islands
LH College & school magazines & papers
LJ Student fraternities & societies, U.S.
M Music
ML Literature on music
MT Instruction & study
N Visual arts
NA Architecture
NB Sculpture
NC Drawing. Design. Illustration
ND Painting
NE Print media
NK Decorative arts
NX Arts in general
P Philology. Linguistics
PA Greek language & literature. Latin language & literature
PB Modern languages. Celtic languages
PC Romance languages
PD Germanic languages. Scandinavian languages
PE English language
PF West Germanic languages
PG Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language
PH Uralic languages. Basque language
PJ Oriental languages & literatures
PK Indo-Iranian languages & literatures
PL Languages & literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania
PM Hyperborean, Indian & artificial languages
PN Literature (General)
PQ Literature: French - Italian - Spanish - Portuguese

Call numbers QA - Z

The General Collection materials from call numbers QA76.9-Z will not be moved into the ARC at this time. These books and journals still can be browsed by physically visiting the John C. Hitt Library. As the ARC project progresses over the next few years online guide pages will be developed for these call numbers.

Call Number Subject
QA Mathematics
QB Astronomy
QC Physics
QD Chemistry
QE Geology
QH Natural history - Biology
QK Botany
QL Zoology
QM Human anatomy
QP Physiology
QR Microbiology
R Medicine (General)
RA Public aspects of medicine
RB Pathology
RC Internal medicine
RD Surgery
RE Ophthalmology
RF Otorhinolaryngology
RG Gynecology & obstetrics
RJ Pediatrics
RK Dentistry
RL Dermatology
RM Therapeutics. Pharmacology
RS Pharmacy & materia medica
RT Nursing
RV Botanic, Thomsonian, & eclectic medicine
RX Homeopathy
RZ Other systems of medicine
S Agriculture (General)
SB Plant culture
SD Forestry
SF Animal culture
SH Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling
SK Hunting sports
T Technology (General)
TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering
TC Hydraulic engineering. Ocean engineering
TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering
TE Highway engineering. Roads & pavements
TF Railroad engineering & operation
TG Bridge engineering
TH Building construction
TJ Mechanical engineering & machinery
TK Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering
TL Motor vehicles. Aeronautics. Astronautics
TN Mining engineering. Metallurgy
TP Chemical technology
TR Photography
TS Manufactures
TT Handicrafts. Arts & crafts
TX Home economics
U Military science (General)
UA Armies: Organization, distribution, military situation
UB Military administration
UC Maintenance & transportation
UD Infantry
UE Cavalry. Armor
UF Artillery
UG Military engineering. Air forces
UH Other services
V Naval science (General)
VA Navies: Organization, distribution, naval situation
VB Naval administration
VC Naval maintenance
VD Naval seamen
VE Marines
VF Naval ordnance
VG Minor services of navies
VK Navigation. Merchant marine
VM Naval architecture. Shipbuilding. Marine engineering
Z Books (General). Writing. Paleography.
Book industries & trade. Libraries. Bibliography
ZA Information resources (General)

Detailed Call Numbers