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ENC 3250 Professional Writing

What is the ARC?

The Automated Retrieval Center (ARC) is part of a multi-year project of library expansion and renovation. The next phase of construction is expected to be completed in fall 2020 to expand the existing library building and connect it to the ARC, creating a new entrance facing the Student Union. All of the books and journals in the back portion of the library have been moved into the ARC to clear the way for this construction. [More information]

Requesting Materials from the ARC

request for items stored in the ARC is initiated by any UCF user directly from the online library catalog and will be available for pick-up from the John C. Hitt Library's book checkout desk near the current entrance of the library. Time frames for delivery of items will be determined once the system is fully operational. Here is a short video tutorial about how to request materials form the ARC:

Requesting Books in Primo Search from UCF Libraries on Vimeo.

More information about the ARC, and a video of the ARC in action, can be found on this page.