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What is the Learning Commons Service Model in North America?

Presentation by Barbara Tierney for the Japan Association of National University Libraries (JANUL) Symposium, University of Tokyo, January 29, 2016

Part Six

Where are Japanese academic libraries with regard to adopting LCs at this time?

Possible strategies for adopting the LC model in Japan:

Align the mission of your library and LC to the mission of your university;

Review other libraries’ strategic plans before creating one for your library;

Participate in a North American Learning Commons Conference;

Instead of focusing on floor plans and furniture, ask questions about the kinds of activities  that your students will be  engaged in & what services are needed to support those activities;

Think less about library collections & operations & more about student learning;

Consider what kind of construction would work best to create your desired LC:  

Brand new construction of the whole library?

An add-on or renovation to an existing library? 

Re-purposing selected areas within an existing library?

Deciding whether the LC is to be constructed all at once or piece-by-piece?