"With more than 1,000,000 human-edited definitions, Acronym Finder is the world's largest and most comprehensive dictionary of acronyms, abbreviations, and initialisms."
You can search or filter terms from the following categories: Information Technology (IT) -- Information technology, Internet/Web, telecommunications, computing & computer science, hardware, software, etc. (over 86,000 definitions) Military & Government -- Local, national and international governments, military, defense, defense industry, weapons systems, etc. (over 154,000 definitions) Business & Finance -- Business, finance, accounting, marketing, real estate, shipping, companies, stock markets, products, etc. (over 76,000 definitions) Science & Medicine -- Popular science, hard science, medicine, nature, engineering, physics, space, astronomy, geology, chemistry, etc. (over 145,000 definitions) Organizations & Schools -- Local, national, and international organizations, schools, colleges, universities, education, non-profits, NGOs, etc. (over 195,000 definitions) Slang & Pop Culture -- Slang, chat, instant messaging, newsgroups, sports, people, pop culture, etc. (over 41,000 definitions)