International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences (Elsevier) Anthropology -- Applied Social & Behavioral Sciences -- Applied, Industrial, & Organizational Psychology -- Archaeology -- Area, Development & International Studies -- Behavioral Neuroscience -- Biographies -- Clinical Psychology -- Cognitive Neuroscience -- Cognitive Psychology -- Contemporary Cultural Concerns -- Criminology -- Culture & the Arts -- Demography -- Developmental Psychology -- Economics -- Education -- Environmental & Ecological Sciences -- Ethics of Research -- Evolutionary Sciences -- Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Trans-sexual -- Genetics, Behavior, History & Society -- Geography -- Health -- History -- History of the Social & Behavioral Sciences -- Institutions & Infrastructure of Social & Behavioral Sciences -- Labor Studies -- Law -- Linguistics -- Logic of Inquiry & Research Design -- Management, Organizations, Business, Marketing & Finance -- Mathematics & Computer Sciences Applications -- Media Studies & Mass Communication -- Memory: Cognitive & Neuroscientific Aspects -- Motivational Psychology -- Neuroscience of Language -- Personality Psychology -- Philosophy -- Political Science -- Psychiatry -- Public Policy -- Religious Studies -- Science & Technology Studies -- Sexuality -- Social Psychology -- Social Work -- Sociology -- Statistics -- Studies of the Life Course -- Urban Studies & Planning -- War, Peace, Violence & Conflict