United States. Bureau of Land Management
"The Orange County Comptroller’s Official Records Department records, creates an index, and archives all of the documents that constitute the Official Records of Orange County. These documents include, but are not limited to:
Document images are viewable, when not prohibited by law, from 1843 to present.
Index data is complete back to 1843.
The Official Records Research Center is located at 109 E. Church St. Suite 300 in downtown Orlando.
United States. Post Office Department. Geographical site location reports for certain post offices in Orange Co., Fla
Orange County Voter Registration Books (1914-1934)
Registration information and dates of coverage vary from book to book, but may include voter name, lot (party affiliation), age, race, poll tax paid, occupation, personal description, local residence, residency, nativity, declaration of naturalization, voted, married, deceased, disabled veteran, veteran of world war, Spanish War veteran, birth date, signature of elector. (An online resource, but included in this list of microform resources because of related content.)
Election districts covered include:
United States. Department of State. Florida voter registration record : Orange County
microfilm is no longer available due to decay