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PR 621-744 - History of English literature. Drama

Call Number Subject
PR 623 Dictionaries
PR 625 General works
PR 631-635 Special topics & forms
- PR 631 - Comedy
- PR 633 - Tragedy
- PR 635.A-Z - Other, A-Z
- - PR 635.W6 - - Women
PR 641-744 By period
- PR 641-644 - Medieval
- - PR 643.A-Z - - Special, A-Z
- - - PR 643.M7 - - - Moralities
- - - PR 643.M8 - - - Mysteries
- - PR 644.A-Z - - Individual plays, cycles & locales, A-Z
- - - PR 644.C4 - - - Chester
- - - PR 644.Y6 - - - York
- PR 646-649 - 16th century
- - PR 649.A-Z - - Special topics, A-Z
- - - PR 649.P6 - - - Politics
- PR 651-658 - Elizabethan era (1550-1640)
- - PR 655 - - Sources, relations, foreign influences
- - PR 658.A-Z - - Special topics, A-Z
- - - PR 658.C6 - - - Comedy
- - - PR 658.L38 - - - Law
- - - PR 658.P65 - - - Politics
- - - PR 658.R43 - - - Religion
- - - PR 658.T7 - - - Tragedy
- - - PR 658.W6 - - - Women
- PR 671-698 - 17th century
- - PR 678.A-Z - - Special topics, A-Z
- - PR 691-698 - - Restoration (1660-1700)
- - - PR 698.A-Z - - - Special topics, A-Z
- - - - PR 698.C6 - - - - Comedy
- - - - PR 698.W6 - - - - Women
- PR 701-719 - 18th century
- - PR 711-714 - - Augustan era. Classicism (1700-1750/80)
- - PR 716-719 - - Romanticism. Return to nature (1750/80-1830)
- PR 721-734 - 19th century
- - PR 731-734 - - Victorian era
- PR 735-739 - 20th century
- - PR 739.A-Z - - Special topics, A-Z
- - - PR 739.F45 - - - Feminism

PR 1241-1273 - Collections of English literature. Drama

Call Number Subject
PR 1241-1243 Comprehensive
PR 1245 Selected plays. Anthologies, etc.
PR 1246.A-Z Special classes of authors, A-Z
- PR 1246.W65 - Women
PR 1248-1259 Special
- PR 1248 - Comedies
- PR 1259.A-Z - Other, A-Z
PR 1260-1272.2 By period
- PR 1260-1261 - Medieval: Mysteries, miracle plays, moralities
- - PR 1261-A-Z - - Individual plays & cycles, A-Z
- - - PR 1261.E8 - - - Everyman
- - - PR 1261.Y67 - - - York plays
- PR 1263 - Elizabethan era (1550-1640)
including Elizabethan and Jacobean periods
- PR 1265-1269 - 17th-18th century
- - PR 1265.3-1266 - - 17th century
- - - PR 1266 - - - Restoration
- - PR 1269 - - 18th century
- PR 1271 - 19th century
- PR 1272 - 20th century
- PR 1272.2 - 21st century

PR 2411-3195 - English renaissance (1500-1640). The drama

This is not a comprehensive list of the authors contained in the UCF Library. Browse for additional authors by selecting the link for an author whose surname precedes that of the author you're seeking.

Call Number Subject
PR 2411.A-Z Anonymous plays, A-Z
PR 2417-3195 Individual authors
- PR 2420-2438 - Beaumont, Francis & Fletcher, John
- - PR 2425-2430 - - Separate works
- - PR 2434-2438 - - Criticism
- PR 2440-2458 - Chapman, George
- - PR 2446-2449 - - Separate works
- - PR 2454-2458 - - Criticism
- PR 2480-2498 - Dekker, Thomas
- PR 2500-2518 - Fletcher, John
- PR 2520-2528 - Ford, John
- PR 2540-2548 - Greene, Robert
- PR 2570-2578 - Heywood, Thomas
- PR 2600-2648 - Johnson, Ben
- - PR 2605-2622 - - Separate works
- - PR 2630-2635 - - Biography, criticism, etc.
- - PR 2637.3-2642 - - Criticism & interpretation
- - PR 2644-2648 - - Language, style, etc.
- PR 2660-2678 - Marlowe, Christopher
- - PR 2664-2670 - - Separate works
- - PR 2672-2673 - - Biography, criticism, etc.
- - PR 2674-2678 - - Criticism
- PR 2690-2698 - Marston, John
- PR 2700-2708 - Massinger, Philip
- PR 2710-2718 - Middleton, Thomas
- - PR 2714.A-Z - - Separate works. by title, A-Z
- - PR 2717-2718 - - Criticism
- PR 2750-3112 - Shakespeare, William
- PR 3140-3148 - Shirley, James
- PR 3180-3188 - Webster, John

PR 1490-6126 - English literature. By period

Call Number Subject
PR 1490 - 1799 Anglo-Saxon literature
PR 1803 - 2165 Anglo-Norman period. Early English. Middle English
PR 2199 - 3195 English renaissance (1500-1640)
PR 3291 - 3785 17th & 18th centuries (1640-1770)
PR 3991 - 5990 19th century, 1770/1800-1890/1900
PR 6000 - 6049 1900-1960
PR 6050 - 6076 1961-2000
PR 6100 - 6126 2001-