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Video Resources

Branding and Templates

To create a consistent look and feel for all library-produced media, public facing videos should follow the Web Working Group’s Procedures and Style Manual in regards to fonts, colors, logos, and terminology (for example, use “Ask Us” instead of “Ask A Librarian”). 

For questions about branding or styles, consult the Library Branding Guide or contact the Libraries’ Senior Graphic Designer. 

Each publicly posted video is required to display a title/intro slide at the beginning at least 3 seconds and an outro slide for at least 3 seconds at the end of the video. The title and outro slides are located in the Templates folder in the All-Staff Video Team Channel files and attached below. The templates use the Montserrat font, which is also available for download in the Templates folder.  


It is recommended that you do not simply use images or music you find online, as they are often protected by copyright. Use copyright free (e.g. public domain) or Creative Commons licensed images and music. You can find a list of recommended sites to find free images and music on the UCF Libraries Branding Guide.

Check the license information of the media to determine whether attribution is required. If it is required, add a single slide at the end of the video listing the title, author, source, and license using the Creative Commons best practices for attribution format.

 A single slide credit at the end of the video is recommended rather than citing throughout to create a fluid viewing experience. Remember that viewers can always pause the video to see the citation information. Since we aren’t able to create multiple clickable URLs in our video credits, type out the URL rather than format it as a hyperlink. 

Example: "Reading Can Be Difficult" by Alexandre Dulaunoy from is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0. 

If all of your images are from a site like Pixabay that does not require attribution, but you would still like to credit the source, it is recommended that you add a slide at the end that states “All images from” instead of listing the individual image credits. 

Attribution templates are located in Templates folder in the AllStaff “Library Videos” channel files and attached below. The templates use the Montserrat font, which is also available for download in the Templates folder.  

If you need a customized template created for your project, please contact Cindy Dancel or complete the Graphic Design Request in the Graphic Design channel of the AllStaff Team.