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International Government: United Nations

United Nations

See also International Trade

Demographic Yearbook
Online version (1948+)
Ref HA 17 .D45 (1965+)
"disseminates statistics on population size and composition, births, deaths, marriage and divorce on an annual basis. Demographic Yearbook special topics issues cover a wide range of additional topics including economic activity, educational attainment, household characteristics, housing, ethnicity and language, among others." Latest 5 years in Reference; Others in General Collection (Non-Circulating).
InfoNation and Country at a Glance (UN CyberSchoolBus)
InfoNation creates a table comparing up to six countries in up to six specific characteristics (i.e., urban growth rate, energy consumption, GDP per capita, unemployment, population density, infant mortality, life expectancy, illiteracy rate, spending on education, homicides, etc.) Country at a Glance provides statistics about individual countries.
"contains a complete and consistent set of time series from 1970 onwards of main national accounts aggregates for all UN Members States and all other countries and areas in the world."
"ODS covers all types of official United Nations documentation, beginning in 1993. Older UN documents are, however, added to the system on a daily basis. ODS also provides access to the resolutions of the General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council and the Trusteeship Council from 1946 onwards. The system does not contain press releases, UN sales publications, the United Nations Treaty Series or information brochures issued by the Department of Public Information." Some of the UN sales publications may be available in the UCF Library in print or microfiche.
Statistical Yearbook (United Nations)
Ref HA 12.5 .U63 (1963+)
"The 76 tables of the Yearbook are organized in four parts. The first part presents key world and regional aggregates and totals. In the other three parts, the subject matter is generally presented by countries or areas, with world and regional aggregates shown in some cases only. Parts two, three and four cover, respectively, population & social topics, national economic activity and international economic relations." Latest 5 years in Reference; Others in General Collection (Non-Circulating).
UNBISnet (United Nations Dag Hammarskjold Library)
  • Voting Records - "The voting records for all resolutions which were adopted - either without a vote or by roll-call or recorded vote - by the General Assembly beginning with its 38th session (1983-) and the Security Council beginning with its 1st year (1946-). Links to the full text of resolutions are provided."
  • Index to Speeches - "Citations to speeches made in the General Assembly beginning with its 38th session (1983-), the Security Council beginning with its 38th year (1983-), the Economic and Social Council beginning in 1983 and the Trusteeship Council beginning with its 15th special session (1982). Links to the full text of speeches are provided."
Voting Practices in the United Nations (U.S. State Department)
Online version (2000+)
U.S. Documents Microfiche S 1.1/8: (1992-1999)
U.S. Documents S 1.1/8: (1985-1991)
U.S. Documents S 1.2: V94 (1984)
ASI Microfiche 7004-18 (1984-85, 1987, 1989+)
CIS Microfiche 85-S181-19 (1983)
CIS Microfiche 83-H181-103 (1982)
"assesses for the preceding calendar year, with respect to each foreign country member of the United Nations, the voting practices of the governments of such countries at the United Nations, and which evaluates General Assembly and Security Council actions and the responsiveness of those governments to United States policy on issues of special importance to the United States.”