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MLA 7th Edition

Images & Sounds Research Guide

Need more help finding images & sounds for your research? Be sure to check out our Images & Sounds research guide!

DVDs & Film

Begin with the title, italicized. Cite the director (“Dir.”) and the lead actors (“Perf.”) or narrator (“Narr.”); the distributor; the year of the film’s release; and the medium (“Film,” “DVD,” “Videocassette”).

Finding Neverland. Dir. Marc Forster. Perf. Johnny Depp, Kate Winslet, Julie

      Christie, and Dustin Hoffman. Mirimax, 2004. DVD.

The Hours. Dir. Stephen Daldry. Perf. Meryl Streep, Julianne Moore, and Nicole

      Kidman. Paramount, 2002. Film.

DVD Commentary:

Anderson, Wes. Audio commentary. Rushmore. Dir. Wes Anderson. Perf. Jason

      Schwartzman, Bill Murray, Luke Wilson, and Olivia Williams. Criterion Collection,

      1998. DVD.

Images From Web

Basic formatting:
Author, name. Title of work. Year. Institution name, place. Format file.

Delano, Jack. At the Vermont State Fair. 1941. Library of Congress, Washington. JPEG file.

If you don’t have a title for the work, describe the work in brackets, as in this example of an image without a named author:

[Library renovation]. 2010. University of Central Florida Library, Orlando. JPEG file.

Maps & Charts

Start as you would a book or a short work within a longer work. Use the word “Map” or “Chart” following the title. Add the medium and, for an online source, the sponsor or publisher and the date of access.

Joseph, Lori, and Bob Laird. “Driving While Phoning Is Dangerous.” Chart.

      USA Today 16 Feb. 2001: 1A. Print.

“Serbia.” Map. Syrena Maps. Syrena, 2 Feb. 2001. Web. 17 Mar. 2006.

Online Videos

Start with Editor, author, or compiler name (if available). "Posting Title." Name of Site. Version number. Name of institution or organization affiliated with the site (sponsor or publisher), date of resource creation (if available). Web. Date of access.

UCF. "This is UCF." YouTube. Web. 7 June 2012.

Personal Photographs

Describe the subject of the photograph, followed by the photographer's name and the date it was taken.


Baby with owl of spaghetti on its head. Personal photograph by John Venecek. 5 May 2012.


Podcasts (downloadable lectures, interviews, or essays):

Treat a podcast as you would a short work from a Web site giving the medium of delivery (such as “Web,” “MP3 file,” “MPEG-4 video file”) before your date of access:

Patterson, Chris. "Will School Consolidation Improve Eductation?" Host Michaeal Quinn

Sullivan. Texas PolicyCast. Texas Public Policy Foundation, 13 Apr. 2006.

MP3 file. 10 Jan. 2007.

Works of Art

Cite the artist’s name; the title of the artwork, italicized; the date of composition; the medium of composition (for instance, “Lithograph on paper,” “Photograph,” “Charcoal on paper”); and the institution and city in which the artwork can be found. For artworks found online, omit the medium of composition and include the title of the Web site on which you found the work, the medium, and your date of access.

Constable, John. Dedham Vale. 1802. Oil on canvas. Victoria and Albert Museum, London.

van Gogh, Vincent. The Starry Night. 1889. Museum of Mod. Art, New York. MoMA:

      The Museum of Modern Art. Web. 14 Jan. 2007.