Your works cited list will include everything you cited within the text of your paper... only include materials that were directly cited in your paper.
For each work cited there are five main elements:
- Author's name (Last name, First name) (end with a period).
- Full title (as it appears on the title page) (end with a period).
- Place of publication (followed with a colon).
- Publisher (omit articles, use standard abbreviations, followed by a comma).
- Year of publication (end with a period).
For online sources you must also inlcude the date you accessed the material.
You must follow a specific format for the works cited list.
- Use the heading Works Cited. Center the heading 2.5 cm from the top of the page.
- List works in alphabetical order by author's last name.
- Double space all lines.
- Use a hanging indent for the second and subsequent lines of an entry.
- Italicize titles of books, journals, magazines, newspapers, websites online databases, films etc. Put titles of articles, essays, stories, chapters of books, pages in websites, etc, in quotations.
- Capitalize words of a title except for short words such as on, in, and, to etc.