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International Government: Key Periodicals

Key Periodicals

The following selected periodicals are some of those covering international topics. Please note, however, that many other periodicals not listed here will contain articles about some aspect of international issues; thus, the need to consult a periodical database or index. Current print issues of periodicals to which the Libraries subscribe are arranged by title on the third floor; print back issues are shelved in the general collection by call number, while microform back issues are arranged by call number on the third floor. See also periodicals about cross-cultural issues and periodicals about international business.

European Journal of International Relations (European Consortium for Political Research)

European Journal of International Relations (European Consortium for Political Research)
"The Journal represents no particular school or approach, nor is it restricted to any particular methodology. Instead, it seeks to foster an awareness of methodological and epistemological questions in the study of International Relations, and to reflect research and developments of a conceptual, normative and empirical nature in all the major sub-areas of the field. The Journal also seeks to strengthen ties with cognate areas in social science and beyond, in particular with international history, international law and international economics. Its purpose is to stimulate and disseminate theory-aware research and scholarship in International Relations throughout the international academic community."

Foreign Affairs (Council on Foreign Relations)

Foreign Affairs (Council on Foreign Relations)
Online version ( 1923-1985 and 1986+)
Online version (1964+)
General Collection D 839 .M6 (1922+)
"Since 1922, the Council has published Foreign Affairs, America's most influential publication on international affairs and foreign policy. It is more than a magazine—it is the international forum of choice for the most important new ideas, analysis, and debate on the most significant issues in the world. Inevitably, articles published in Foreign Affairs shape the political dialogue for months and years to come."

Foreign Policy (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace)

Foreign Policy (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace)
Online version (1970-current year minus 3 years)
Online version (1990+)
General Collection E 744 .F75 (1970+)
"the premier, award-winning magazine of global politics, economics, and ideas. Our mission is to explain how the world works—in particular, how the process of globalization is reshaping nations, institutions, cultures, and, more fundamentally, our daily lives. Equal parts scout and translator, we draw on the world’s leading journalists, thinkers, and professionals to analyze the most significant international trends and events of our times, without regard to ideology or political bias."

Foreign Policy Analysis (International Studies Association)

Foreign Policy Analysis (International Studies Association)
"Reflecting the diverse, comparative and multidisciplinary nature of the field, Foreign Policy Analysis provides an open forum for research publication that enhances the communication of concepts and ideas across theoretical, methodological, geographical and disciplinary boundaries. By emphasizing accessibility of content for scholars of all perspectives and approaches in the editorial and review process, Foreign Policy Analysis serves as a source for efforts at theoretical and methodological integration and deepening the conceptual debates throughout this rich and complex academic research tradition."

International Interactions: Empirical and Theoretical Research in International Relations

International Interactions: Empirical and Theoretical Research in International Relations
Online version (2002+)
Online version (2002+)
General Collection JX 1 .I54 (2001+)
"a leading interdisciplinary journal that publishes original empirical, analytic and theoretical research in international relations. Focusing on analysis of matters of immediate relevance in today's world, International Interactions addresses a diverse array of topics within the field of international relations, providing balanced coverage of the discipline's three main areas of study: War and conflict resolution, International political economy, Foreign policy"

International Organization (International Organization Foundation)

International Organization (International Organization Foundation)
Online version (1947-current year minus 3 years)
Online version (1997+)
Online version (2002+)
Microfilm JX 1901 .I55 (1947-1959)
General Collection JX 1901 .I55 (1960-1982)
"is a leading peer-reviewed journal that covers the entire field of international affairs. Subject areas include: foreign policies, international relations, international and comparative political economy, security policies, environmental disputes and resolutions, European integration, alliance patterns and war, bargaining and conflict resolution, economic development and adjustment, and international capital movements."

International Studies Quarterly (International Studies Association)

International Studies Quarterly (International Studies Association)
Online version (1957-1962, Background on World Politics)
Online version (1962-1966, Background)
Online version (1967-current year minus 5 years)
Online version (1997+)
General Collection D 839 .B2 (1969-1992, 2000-2004)
Microfilm D 839 .B2 (1957-1968, 1990-1998)
"the official journal of the International Studies Association, seeks to acquaint a broad audience of readers with the best work being done in the variety of intellectual traditions included under the rubric of international studies. Therefore, the editors welcome all submissions addressing this community's theoretical, empirical, and normative concerns. First preference will continue to be given to articles that address and contribute to important disciplinary and interdisciplinary questions and controversies."

Vital Speeches of the Day

Vital Speeches of the Day
Online version (1934+)
Microfilm PN 6121 .V52 (1934-1939, 1968-2001; missing v. 63, 1996)
General Collection PN 6121 .V52 (1939-1968, 2001+)
Full text of speeches by leaders in both the public and private sectors "on current national and international issues in the fields of economics, politics, education, sociology, government, criminology, finance, business, taxation, health, law, labor, and more."