Surveys & Programs: Elementary / Secondary
Career/Technical Education Statistics (CTES) "relies on existing and special-purpose NCES surveys to provide data on career/technical education from students, faculty, and schools at the secondary and postsecondary levels, as well as on adults seeking work-related education and training."
Common Core of Data (CCD) - "a comprehensive, annual, national statistical database of information concerning all public elementary and secondary schools (approximately 94,000) and school districts (approximately 17,000), which contains data that are designed to be comparable across all states. The CCD consists of five surveys completed annually by state education departments from their administrative records. Information included are: a general description of schools and school districts, including name, address, and phone number; data on students and staff, including demographics; and fiscal data, including revenues and current expenditures."
Crime & Safety Surveys (CSS) - "Topics in these surveys include: gangs, bullying, student victimization, drug availability, fear and avoidance behaviors, disciplinary actions, prevention activities, school safety programs and policies, use of school security, and school facilities measures."
Current Population Survey, October (CPS) - "routinely gathers data on school enrollment and educational attainment for elementary, secondary, and postsecondary education. Related data are also collected about preschooling and the general adult population. In addition, NCES funds additional items on education-related topics such as language proficiency, disabilities, computer use and access, student mobility, and private school tuition."
Education Finance Statistics Center (EDFIN) - provides finance information on public elementary/secondary education.
Education Longitudinal Study of 2002 (ELS) - "a longitudinal survey that will monitor the transitions of a national sample of young people as they progress from tenth grade to, eventually, the world of work. ELS:2002 will obtain information not just from students and their school records, but also from students' parents, their teachers, their librarians and the administrators of their schools."
High School & Beyond (HS&B) - "describes the activities of seniors and sophomores as they progressed through high school, postsecondary education, and into the workplace. The data span 1980 through 1992 and include parent, teacher, high school transcripts, student financial aid records, and postsecondary transcripts in addition to student questionnaires and interviews."
National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988 (NELS:88) - "began with an 8th grade cohort in 1988, provides trend data about critical transitions experienced by young people as they develop, attend school, and embark on their careers. Data were collected from students and their parents, teachers, and high school principals and from existing school records such as high school transcripts. Cognitive tests (math, science, reading, and history) were administered during the base year (1988), first follow up (1990), and second follow up (1992). Third follow up data were collected in 1994. All dropouts, who could be located, were retained in the study. A fourth follow-up was completed in 2000."
National Household Education Survey (NHES) - "includes surveys on adult education, parent and family involvement in education, before- and after-school programs and activities, civic involvement, early childhood program participation, household library use, school readiness, and school safety and discipline."
National Longitudinal Study of the H.S. Class of 1972 (NLS-72) - "describes the transition of young adults from high school through postsecondary education and the workplace. The data span 1972 through 1986 and include postsecondary transcripts."
Private School Survey (PSS) - "Information collected includes: religious orientation; level of school; size of school; length of school year, length of school day; total enrollment (K-12); number of high school graduates, whether a school is single-sexed or coeducational and enrollment by sex; number of teachers employed; program emphasis; existence and type of kindergarten program."
Rural Education - "provides links to data and information on current and changing conditions in education in rural America. The site provides access to recent data collected by NCES including: enrollments; National Assessment of Educational Progress scores; coursetaking, dropouts and transition to college; availability of advanced course offerings and technology, teacher characteristics, class size, technology, discipline and facilities; and support for learning, including parents’ satisfaction and involvement, community support, and financial support."
School District Demographics System (SDDS) - "provides access to school district geographic and demographic data useful for describing and analyzing characteristics of school districts, children, and K-12 education."
School Survey on Crime & Safety (SSOCS) - "sample survey of the nation's public schools designed to provide estimates of school crime, discipline, disorder, programs and policies."
Schools & Staffing Survey (SASS) - "provides data on characteristics and qualifications of teachers and principals, teacher hiring practices, professional development, class size and other conditions in schools. SASS data are designed to allow comparisons of public and private schools and staff and permit the analysis of trend data."
State Education Reforms (SER) - "This site, which draws primarily on data collected by organizations other than NCES, compiles and disseminates data on state-level education reform efforts in four areas: