College Navigator - Search for colleges by programs/majors, degree levels, location, size, costs, % admissions, test scores, varsity athletic teams, extended learning opportunities, religious affiliation.
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Executive Peer Tool (EPT) - "a simplified version of the Peer Analysis System (PAS) that allows comparisons between a focus institution and comparison institutions. Data are available only from the latest data collection year, and results are simple and streamlined. Individuals that need access to more data should use the PAS."
Peer Analysis System (PAS) - "With the Peer Analysis System (PAS) you can compare an institution of your choice to a group of peer institutions. To download large datasets within the PAS, you will need to use the Dataset Cutting Tool (DCT)."
Dataset Cutting Tool (DCT) - "To download large datasets within the Peer Analysis System (PAS), you will need to use the Dataset Cutting tool."
Data Analysis System (DAS) - "Generate analytical tables of data (percentages, means, and sums) and correlations matrices using datasets in the following categories: