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Further Reference Sources

Use the sources listed here to find statistics, addresses, industry overviews, and information about individual media companies.
Advertising Red Books: Agencies
Main Library Reference HF 5805 .S72
Lists approximately 10,000 advertising agencies in the U.S. and other countries, arranged by type of agency. Lists major clients of each agency. Geographic and name indexes.
Broadcasting & Cable Yearbook
Main Library Reference TK 6540 .B852
A comprehensive listing of American television and radio stations and cable systems, satellite and other carriers, technological and programming services, brokers and professional services. Includes radio and television market statistics. See also Television & Cable Factbook (below).
Editor & Publisher International Yearbook
Main Library Reference PN 4700 .E4
Important source for newspaper industry facts and statistics. In addition to address and telephone numbers, main entries include information on circulation, price, advertising, special editions, equipment, and key personnel. Also includes listings for the 100 top daily newspapers and the top pay scales for reporters, and a directory of newspaper industry professionals.
Editor & Publisher Market Guide
Main Library General Collection 5905 .E38
Offers individual market surveys of some 1,500 United States and Canadian cities where a daily newspaper is published.
Florida News Media Directory
Main Library Reference P 88.8 .D33
Lists news agencies throughout the state.
Gale Directory of Publications and Broadcast Media
Main Library Reference PN 4867 .G3
Includes entries for newspapers, magazines, journals, and other periodicals, as well as radio, television, and cable stations and systems in the United States and Canada, and industry statistics and maps.
An electronic database providing directory information, brief histories, and financials on companies, industries, and products, as well as business news. Can be searched by industry (e.g., advertising, TV and radio).
International Television & Video Almanac
Main Library Reference PN 1992.15 .I61
Contains a year-in-review section, industry statistics, awards, directory of services, companies and personnel, producers and distributors. Large part of the volume is devoted to brief biographies of those in the entertainment industry. Some coverage of world markets.
The Mass Media: Aspen Institute Guide to Communication Industry Trends
Main Library General Collection  P 92 .U5S68
A compendium of more than 300 statistical tables describing communications trends in the U.S. from 1900 to the late 1970s. Organized by such broad subjects as growth, ownership, economics, employment, contents trends, and audiences.
O'Dwyer's Directory of Public Relations Firms
Main Library General Collection HM 263 .O37
Lists over 2,000 public relations firms and departments of advertising agencies, ranked by city and region according to sales, number of employees, and areas of specialization.
Standard Rate & Data Service series
Subscription canceled 2006
Excellent source on circulation or audience, advertising rates, and format of advertising media. Includes newspapers, magazines, consumer and community publications, radio and television, and other media. Sections include:
  • Business Publication Advertising Source — Main Library Reference HF 5905 .S723
  • Community Publication Advertising Source — Main Library Reference HF 5905 .S72
  • Direct Marketing List Source — Main Library Reference HF 5861 .D54
  • Hispanic Media & Market Source — Main Library Reference HF 5415.3 .H5
  • Newspaper Advertising Source — Main Library Reference HF 5905 .S73
  • Print Media Production Source — Main Library Reference HF 5905 .P7
  • Radio Advertising Source — Main Library Reference HF 5905 .S74
  • SRDS Consumer Magazine Advertising Source — Main Library Reference HF 5905 .S725
  • SRDS TV & Cable Source — Main Library Reference HF 5905 .S745
Television & Cable Factbook
Main Library Reference TK 6540 .T453
Geographic listings describe basic equipment, services and costs, ownership history and personnel, market rankings, and sales for television stations, cable systems, and television and cable services. See also Broadcasting & Cable Yearbook (above).
A list of periodicals from many countries, arranged by category or subject focus. Entries usually include title, subtitle, sponsoring organization or publisher, date of origin, frequency, price, circulation, editors, place of publication, and where the title is indexed or abstracted.