Microfilm and Microfiche Collections -- The following collections are some of those available in the UCF Main Library:
The Jefferson Papers of the University of Virginia, 1732-1828.
The John F. Kennedy 1960 Campaign. (1953-1960)
- Microfilm E 837.7 .J641
- 22 reels / 39 page and 79 page guides
Civil Rights During the Kennedy Administration, 1961-1963.
- Microfilm JC 599 .U5 C49 1986
- pt. 2. The Papers of Burke Marshall, Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights. - guide
Civil Rights During the Johnson Administration, 1963-1969.
- Microfilm JC 599 .U5 C5 1984
- Pt. 1. The White House central files. (15 reels) guide
- Pt. 2. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission: administrative history. (3 reels) guide
- Pt. 3. Oral histories. (3 reels) guide
The John F. Kennedy National Security Files, Latin America. (1961-1963)
- Microfilm F 1418 .J6 1987
- 10 reels / 280 page guide
The Lyndon B. Johnson National Security Files, Latin America. (1963-1969)
- Microfilm F 1418 .L93 1987 and Microfilm F 1418 .L94 1999
- 26 reels / 367 page guide
Political Activities of the Johnson White House, 1963-1969.
- Microfilm E 846 .P641
- Part 1, White House Central and Confidential Files. 47 reels / 138 page guide
History of the Department of Justice, November 1963-January 1969
- Microfilm JK 873 .H573
- 6 reels / 24 page guide
Papers of the Nixon White House. (1969-1974)
- Microfiche E 855 .P3
- 1,943 fiche / 8 volume guide
- See also Nixon Presidential Library for finding aids.
- pt. 1. Official inventories of papers and other historical materials of the Nixon White House (96 fiches)
- pt. 2. The President's meeting file, 1969-1974 (260 fiches)
- pt. 3. John Ehrlichman : notes of meetings with the President, 1969-1973 (77 fiches)
- pt. 4. The John Ehrlichman alphabetical subject file, 1969-1973 (175 fiches)
- pt. 5. H.R. Haldeman : notes of White House meetings, 1969-1973 (98 fiches)
- pt. 6, ser. A. Documents annotated by the President, 1969-1974 (370 fiches)
- pt. 6, ser. B. Daily news summaries annotated by the President, 1969-1973 (244 fiches)
- pt. 7. President's personal files, 1969-1974 (548 fiches)
- pt. 8. The Nixon White House tapes : the complete transcripts prepared by the Watergate Special Prosecution Force (75 fiches)