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IDS 3930: 1. Academic Search Premier

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Academic Search Premier

 Designed specifically for academic institutions, Academic Search Premier is a multi-disciplinary full text database containing full text for more than 4,600 journals, including nearly 3,900 peer-reviewed titles. In addition to the full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for 8,470 journals. This scholarly collection offers information in nearly every area of academic study including: computer sciences, engineering, physics, chemistry, language and linguistics, arts & literature, medical sciences, ethnic studies, and many more.



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Search Tips

There are a number of helpful tips and hints you can use to improve your search results. For example, you can use Boolean operators to link terms together; limit the search to a specific title; and /or restrict the search to a particular date range. 

Boolean Operators:  Sometimes a search can be overly general resulting in too many hits or overly specific resulting in too few hits. To fine tune your search, you can use AND, OR, and NOT operators to link your search words together. These operators will help you narrow or broaden your search to better express the terms you are looking for and to retrieve the exact information you need quickly.

And - combines search terms so that each search result contains all of the terms. For example, education and technology finds articles that contain both terms.

Or - combines search terms so that each search result contains at least one of the terms. For example, education or technology finds results that contain either term.

Not - excludes terms so that each search result does not contain any of the terms that follow it. For example, education not technology finds results that contain the term education but not the term technology

Truncation:  Truncation  is represented by an asterisk (*). To use truncation, enter the root of a search term and replace the ending with an *. EBSCOhost finds all forms of that word.  For example, type comput* to find the words computer or computing.

Note: The Truncation symbol (*) may also be used between words to match any word.  For example, a midsummer * dream will return results that contain the exact phrase, a midsummer night's dream

Stopwords are commonly used words such as articles, pronouns, and prepositions. These words are not indexed for searching in the database. For example, 'the', 'for', and 'of' are stopwords. When a stopword is used in a query, any single word or no word is retrieved in place of the stopword. When searching strings that contain stopwords or a Boolean operator, it is necessary to use quotation marks.

Quotation Marks:  Typically, when a phrase is enclosed by double quotations marks, the exact phrase is searched. However, this is not true of phrases containing stopwords.  The Result List Screen has three columns—Narrow your results, All Results, and Limit your results. You can hide or show the different areas by clicking the control arrows near the top of your results. The UCF library administrator decides whether the subject clusters Results List:

Narrow your results:  You can narrow by source type, subject, journal, author, and more. This feature, also known as “clustering,” is helpful if you want to discover the major subject groups for your topic without having to browse multiple pages of results, or checking individual articles to see if they are relevant.  

All Results: The articles that were found display in the center of the Result List Screen.

The article title link takes you to the citation information and/or the full text. Place your mouse over the Preview icon  to view the Abstract.

 The HTML Full Text link takes you directly to the full text of the article.  

 The PDF Full Text link takes you to a PDF version of the full text. The PDF will open in the Adobe ® Reader®.  

Printing:  You can print, save or email an article and/or citation. Always use the internal print, email and save buttons; DO NOT use your browser's print function (i.e., do not go to file > print at the top of your screen). You can print, email or save each article separately, or you can add articles to an electronic folder and print, email or save everything at once.



Additional Help

There is a Help link in the upper-right corner of every page with general searching information. Each tab also has a question mark link right beside the search box with more specific information.