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Browse Call Numbers: K

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Law of England & Wales [under construction links]

including the United Kingdom as a whole and the common-law system (Anglo-American law) in general

Call Number Subject
D 1-24.5 General

KD 1-180 - Legislation

Call Number Subject
KD 51-59 Bibliography
KD 68-94 Parliamentary publications
see J301
- KD 70-76 - House of Lords
- KD 86-94 - House of Commons
KD 124-180 Legislation
- KD 124-150 - Statutes
- - KD 124-135 - - Public general acts
- - - KD 125 - - - Sessional volumes
By initial date of session
- - - KD 129-135 - - - General compilations. Collections
- - - - KD 129-130 - - - - Early & discontinued compilations. Statutes at large
- - - - - KD 130 - - - - - Monographs
Arranged chronologically by initial date of period covered
- - KD 140 - - Abridgements & digest of statutes
- KD 175-180 - Prerogative legislation
- - KD 175 - - Royal proclamations & instructions

KD 187-296 - Law reports & related materials

Call Number Subject
KD 187-291 Law reports
- KD 187-247.7 - By courts
- - KD 187-228.7 - - Common law courts
- - - KD 187-228.7 - - - Particular courts
- - - - KD 190-200.7 - - - - King's (Queen's) Bench
- - - - - KD 193-198 - - - - - The Year Books (ca. 1280-1535)
- - - - - - KD 193-194 - - - - - - Texts
- - - - - - - KD 194 - - - - - - - Monographs
Arranged chronologically by initial date of period covered
- - - - - - KD 196.A-Z - - - - - - Abridgments. By author, A-Z
- - - - - KD 200 - - - - - Private (named) reports. By initial date of period
covered & by reporter or title, A-Z
- - - - - KD 200.3 - - - - - Abridgments & digests not connected with any named reports
- - - - KD 203-203.7 - - - - Court of Common Pleas
- - KD 232-240.7 - - Equity courts
- KD 270-291 - Reports in all the courts
- - KD 270 - - Before 1865
KD 295-296 Comprehensive abridgements & digests
- KD 295.A-Z - Before 1865. By editor, A-Z

KD 300-358 - Dictionaries -- Form books -- Collections

Call Number Subject
KD 313 Law dictionaries. Words & phrases
For bilingual & multilingual dictionaries see K50+
KD 318 Form books
KD 353-358 Collections
- KD 358.A-Z - Individual authors, A-Z

KD 370-380 - Trials

Call Number Subject
KD 370-376 Criminal trials & judicial investigations
- KD 370-371 - Collections
- - KD 370 - - General
- - KD 371.A-Z - - Particular offenses, A-Z
- - - KD 371.A3 - - - Adultery
- - - KD 371.F6 - - - Forgery
- - - KD 371.H47 - - - Heresy
- - - KD 371.L2 - - - Larceny
- - - KD 371.M8 - - - Murder
- - - KD 371.P6 - - - Political offenses
Including treason, sedition, etc.
- - - KD 371.T7 - - - Treason
- - - KD 371.W56 - - - Witchcraft
- KD 372-376 - Particular trials
- - KD 372.A-Z - - Early through 19th century. By defendant or best known name, A-Z
- - KD 373.A-Z - - 20th century. By defendant or best known name, A-Z
KD 378-380 Civil trials
- KD 378 - Collections
- KD 379-380 - Particular trials
- - KD 379.A-Z - - Early through 19th century. By plaintiff, A-Z
- - KD 379.5.A-Z - - 20th century. By plaintiff, A-Z