Call Number | Subject |
KFA 1-599 | Alabama |
KFA 1201-1799 | Alaska |
KFA 2401-2999 | Arizona |
KFA 3601-4199 | Arkansas |
KFC 1-1199 | California |
KFC 1801-2399 | Colorado |
KFC 3601-4199 | Connecticut |
KFD 1-599 | Delaware |
KFD 1201-1799 | District of Columbia |
Add the subdivision numbers to the base number for the state. For example, South Carolina is KFS1801-2399:
+25-31 results in KFS1830 Code of laws of South Carolina
+400-428 results in KFS2202 Constitution of South Carolina
Call Number | Subject |
6 - 20 | Legislative documents |
25 - 31 | Statutes |
34 - 36 | Administrative regulations |
38 - 41 | Digests, citators, indexes for statutes and/or administrative regulations |
45 - 60 | Law reports & related materials |
61 | General indexes. Indexes to various publications |
65 | Encyclopedias |
66 | Law dictionaries |
67 | Uniform state laws |
68 | Form books |
70 | Yearbooks |
71 | Judicial statistics |
75 | Legal research. Legal bibliography. Legal draftsmanship |
76 - 77.5 | The legal profession. Practice of law |
78 - 78.8 | History |
80 - 84.5 | General & comprehensive works |
94 - 107 | Domestic relations |
142 - 148 | Succession upon death |
205 - 218 | Associations. Corporations |
230 - 329 | Regulation of industry, trade & commerce. Occupational law |
390 - 396.5 | Education |
400 - 428 | Constitutional law |
442 - 462.8 | Public property. Public restraints on private property |
495 - 502.8 | Military law |
508 - 560 | Courts. Procedure |
561 - 574 | Criminal law |
575 - 594 | Criminal procedure |
599 | Law of particular counties, parishes & other local self government |
Particular cities, A-Z see KFX |