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Browse Call Numbers: K

under construction KD3521; KJ links

Public property -- Government measures [under construction links]

Call Number Subject
D 1-24.5 General

KF 5500-5865 - Public property. Public restraints on private property

Call Number Subject
KF 5505-5510 Conservation of natural resources
KF 5521-5536 Roads
- KF 5532 - Roadside protection. Rights of way
KF 5551-5590 Water resources. Watersheds. Rivers. Lakes. Water courses
- KF 5551-5575 - General. Conservation. Water resources development
- - KF 5568 - - Casebooks. Readings
- - KF 5569-5569.9 - - General works
KF 5594 Weather control. Meteorology. Weather stations
KF 5599 Eminent domain
KF 5601-5648 Public land law
- KF 5601-5605 - General
- KF 5615-5624 - Reclamation. Marshes. Wetlands
- KF 5627 - Shore protection. Coastal zone management
- KF 5630-5646 - National preserves
- - KF 5635-5646 - - National parks & monuments. Wilderness preservation
- - - KF 5640-5645 - - - Wildlife protection
Including game, bird & fish protection
KF 5691-5710 Regional & city planning. Zoning. Building
Federal, state & local laws, collectively
- KF 5691-5692 - General
- KF 5697-5700.5 - Land use. Zoning. Land subdivision
- - KF 5697-5698 - - General
- - KF 5698.3 - - Real estate development
- - KF 5698.7 - - Solar access zoning. Shade control
- KF 5701-5709.3 - Building laws
- - KF 5701 - - General
- - KF 5702.A-Z - - Particular types of buildings, A-Z
- - KF 5704 - - Electric installations
- - KF 5708 - - Heating & ventilating. Air conditioning
Including energy conservation provisions
- - KF 5709 - - Plumbing
- - KF 5709.3.A-Z - - Other topics, A-Z
- - - KF 5709.3.H35 - - - Handicapped, Provisions for. People with disabilities, Provisions for
KF 5721-5740 Housing. Slum clearance. City redevelopment
- KF 5721-5730 - General
- KF 5740 - Discrimination in housing
KF 5750-5857 Government property
- KF 5750-5755 - Administration. Powers & controls
- - KF 5753 - - Access to public records. Freedom of information

KF 5900-6075.5 - Government measures in time of war, national emergency or economic crisis. Emergency economic legislation

Call Number Subject
KF 5900 General
KF 5901-6075.5 By period
- KF 5921-6020 - 1914-1939
- - KF 5981-6020 - - 1929-1939
- - - KF 6011-6020 - - - New Deal legislation
- KF 6051-6075.5 - 1945-