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Browse Call Numbers: K

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Georgia - Wyoming

Call Number Subject
KFG 1-599 Georgia
KFH 1-599 Hawaii
KFI 1-599 Idaho
KFI 1201-1799 Illinois
KFI 3001-3599 Indiana
KFI 4201-4799 Iowa
KFK 1-599 Kansas
KFK 1201-1799 Kentucky
KFL 1-599 Louisiana
KFM 1-599 Maine
KFM 1201-1799 Maryland
KFM 2401-2999 Massachusetts
KFM 4201-4799 Michigan
KFM 5401-5999 Minnesota
KFM 6601-7199 Mississippi
KFM 7801-8399 Missouri
KFM 9001-9599 Montana
KFN 1-599 Nebraska
KFN 601-1199 Nevada
KFN 1201-1799 New Hampshire
KFN 1801-2399 New Jersey
KFN 3601-4199 New Mexico
KFN 5000-6199 New York
KFN 7401-7999 North Carolina
KFN 8601-9199 North Dakota
KFO 1-599 Ohio
KFO 1201-1799 Oklahoma
KFO 2401-2999 Oregon
KFP 1-599 Pennsylvania
KFR 1-599 Rhode Island
KFS 1801-2399 South Carolina
KFS 3001-3599 South Dakota
KFT 1-599 Tennessee
KFT 1201-1799 Texas
KFU 1-599 Utah
KFV 1-599 Vermont
KFV 2401-2999 Virginia
KFW 1-599 Washington
KFW 1201-1799 West Virginia
KFW 2401-2999 Wisconsin
KFW 4201-4799 Wyoming

Table of subject subdivisions for the Law of the States

Add the subdivision numbers to the base number for the state. For example, South Carolina is KFS1801-2399:
+25-31 results in KFS1830 Code of laws of South Carolina
+400-428 results in KFS2202 Constitution of South Carolina

Call Number Subject
6 - 20 Legislative documents
25 - 31 Statutes
34 - 36 Administrative regulations
38 - 41 Digests, citators, indexes for statutes and/or administrative regulations
45 - 60 Law reports & related materials
61 General indexes. Indexes to various publications
65 Encyclopedias
66 Law dictionaries
67 Uniform state laws
68 Form books
70 Yearbooks
71 Judicial statistics
75 Legal research. Legal bibliography. Legal draftsmanship
76 - 77.5 The legal profession. Practice of law
78 - 78.8 History
80 - 84.5 General & comprehensive works
94 - 107 Domestic relations
142 - 148 Succession upon death
205 - 218 Associations. Corporations
230 - 329 Regulation of industry, trade & commerce. Occupational law
390 - 396.5 Education
400 - 428 Constitutional law
442 - 462.8 Public property. Public restraints on private property
495 - 502.8 Military law
508 - 560 Courts. Procedure
561 - 574 Criminal law
575 - 594 Criminal procedure
599 Law of particular counties, parishes & other local self government
  Particular cities, A-Z see KFX