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Document Delivery & Resource Sharing (formerly Interlibrary Loan)

Get books and articles from other libraries.

Graduate Students

The UCF Library provides all UCF graduate students with some document delivery services. These services include the following:

  • All articles owned by the UCF Library in print or electronic form will be scanned and delivered to your ILLiad/UBorrow account as an easily-downloadable PDF.
  • All books, CDs, DVDs, and VHS tapes owned by the UCF Library will be pulled from the shelf and left for pickup at the Circulation desk. If you are a graduate student at a regional or branch campus, or if you are a distance learner, we will send it to your pickup location or address.
  • All requests will be processed in less than 1 business day, unless staff are unable to locate the item on our shelves. In these rare cases, it may take an extra day or two to process your document delivery request.

Requests for items owned by the UCF Library must be submitted through your ILLiad/UBorrow account. Please contact us if you have any questions.