Title | OFL Microfiche | Dates |
Accident surveillance [report for the Orlando urban area] --1992 |
0402 | 1993 |
Annual traffic counts [for the] Orlando urban area --1993 |
0402 | 1993 |
Areawide travel time study | 0259 | 1988 |
At this point in time: a physical, economic and social profile of east central Florida | 0411 | 1995 |
Catalog [of publications] 1995 | 0409 | 1995 |
Census data report, 1990 [for the Orlando urban area] v.1 | 0396 | 1992 |
Council Quarterly [regional statistics] --1989 --1992 --1995 --1990 --1993 --1996 --1991 --1994 |
0300,0333 0361,0384 0394,0410 0432,0452 |
1989-1997 |
Decade of change 1980-1990: population, wages, and housing in East Central Florida | 0393 | 1993 |
Developments of regional impact summary --1973-94 --1973-95 Development of regional impact project summaries --1980-97 |
0403 0433 0451 |
1994-1997 |
East central Florida comprehensive [regional] policy plan --1987 --1992 |
0217 0400 |
1987-1992 |
Guide to listed species in the east central Florida region | 0356 | 1989 |
Hotel [and] motel inventory [of the Orlando region] --1988 --1991 --1994 --1989 --1992 --1995 --1990 --1993 |
0278,0299 0358,0362 0369,0393 0409,0433 |
1988-1996 |
Housing the region: housing information from the 1980 and 1990 U.S. Census | 0385 | 1993 |
Hurricane contingency and mitigation study [for the east central Florida region] | 0250 | 1987 |
Hurricane evacuation study for east central Florida; 1980 update | 0398 | 1991 |
Inland shelter study [for] east central Florida; 1989 update | 0360 | 1989 |
Title | OFL Microfiche | Dates |
Local housing program inventory: a summary of local government housing programs and incentives in east central Florida | 0412 | 1995 |
Orlando urban area transportation improvement program --1988-92 --1992-97 --1995-99 --1991-96 --1993-98 --1996-2000 |
0247,0323 0370,0371 0397,0413 |
1987-1995 |
Orlando urban area transportation planning process: prospectus | 0404 | 1992 |
Orlando urban area transportation study: annual report --1980-81 --1987 --1991 --1982 --1988 --1992 --1983 --1989 --1993 --1986 --1990 |
0135,0160 0214,0259 0295,0345 0362,0369 0403 |
1981-1993 |
Orlando urban area vertiport system needs study --final report [and] study appendix --final report: vertiport resource manual [and] supplemental appendix |
0326 0327 |
1990 |
Overview --1989-90 --1992-93 --1994-95 --1990-91 --1993-94 |
0303,0345 0393,0409 |
1989-1995 |
Perspective on regional growth --1986-90 --1989-93 --1991-95 --1987-91 --1990-94 --1992-96 --1988-92 |
0249,0241 0280,0319 0368,0372 0408 |
1987-1994 |
Planning on the edge: a summary of innovative public planning initiatives on the edge of the Orlando urban areas | 0450 | 1997 |
Public services directory [for the] east central Florida region 1993-94 | 0395 | 1994 |
Regional hurricane exercise | 0251 | 1987 |
Regional park and ride plan | 0399 | 1991 |
Spatial and size distribution of wetland habitats in the east central Florida region | 0357 | 1989 |
Tropical storm Gordon, Nov. 13-20, 1994...a wake-up call: report on workshops with local governments in east central Florida: Jan. 19, 1995--Winter Park [and] Feb. 16, 1995--Titusville | 0433 | 1995 |