A collection of company & industry information, including articles, financials, brand information, rankings, investment reports, company histories, and chronologies
(formerly Business & Company Resource Center)
"Mergent Intellect is a highly flexible web-based application that features a deep collection of worldwide business information that enables companies to generate insightful business intelligence."
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"Coupling Mergent's expertise in developing products for the reference marketplace with D&B®'s private company database, Mergent Intellect offers new and existing clients a unique opportunity to access private and public U.S and international business data, industry news, facts and figures, executive contact information, the ability to access industry profiles and much more.
Additionally, through Mergent’s partnership with Whitepages Pro, clients now have immediate access to contact information for over 250 million U.S. consumers. This enhanced search tool features specific information - name, address, previous address, age, number of household members and reverse phone number lookup capabilities - another valuable source of business insight."
Links to Nexis Uni homepage. Select "Find a Company" below the search box.
Search for information about specific companies, executives, or industries. Create a company list based on criteria such as NAICS industry classification or geographic location.
Company Dossier is part of Nexis Uni business information solutions including: legal, corporate, government, law enforcement, tax, accounting, academic, and risk and compliance assessment.
Use these sources to find who the industry leaders are. These databases will provide a list of leading companies and their competitors, worldwide company report, company ranking and market share.
Mergent Intellect. Provides information on leading companies and their competitors.
IBISWorld Industry Market Research. Provides comprehensive reports 700 US industries. Each report covers "Competitive Landscape" and list of "Major Companies" including the individual company's percentage of Market Share.