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Nursing - Cocoa: 1. APA

  APA - 6th ed.

Check with your professor for any individual preferences in citation styles, particularly journal articles from a database. This information is adapted from the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association 6th edition.

Constructing Your APA-Style References List

BCC/UCF Joint-Use Library and Writing Center


Online Resources

American Psychological Association:

OWL Online Writing Lab - Purdue University:


For a correct APA-style references list. . .


         Use the APA Publication Manual.

         Alphabetize the list by author.

         Give your citation list the correct title (References)

         End all citations with a period except those that contain DOIs or URLs

         Format the items as hanging indents.

         Double space the entire list.

         Make sure to add the state abbreviation (or spell out the country name if international) after the city for book/eBook citations


Example of a book


Brennan, J. A. (2005). Continuing education: Options and opportunities for professionals. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.


Example of an E-book (available in print and online)


Woodrow, P., & Roe, J. (2006). Intensive care nursing: A framework for practice. London, England: Routledge.


Example of an E-book (only available online)


EBSCO eBook:

Staudinger, B., Höss, V., & Ostermann, H. (2009). Nursing and clinical informatics: Socio-technical approaches. Retrieved from


EBL eBook:

Kim, H. S., & Kollak, I. (2006). Nursing theories: Conceptual & philosophical foundations. Retrieved from


Example of a journal article from a database (with DOI)


Hu, J. (2007). Health-related quality of life in low-income older African Americans. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 24(4), 253-265. doi:10.1080/07370010701645901


Example of a journal article from a database (without DOI)


Hu, J. (2007). Health-related quality of life in low-income older African Americans. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 24(4), 253-265.


Example of a document from a Web site


Nursing Now.  (1999, October). National health insurance: How the proposed plans will affect you.  Retrieved from


Example of a document from a Web site (no author and no date)


Web support for patient education. (n.d.). Retrieved from