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Nursing - Cocoa: Local Stats

Finding Local Health and Education Statistics

Finding local statistics can often be a challenging and time consuming task, especially since many local datasets may be "hidden" within a PDF or a spreadsheet. This page is designed to showcase some of the more popular local database sets and how to use them.  Most of the sites are Florida specific and are broken down to the county, city or municipality level. This is by no means a comprehensive guide, but can be used as a starting point to finding local statistics in selected subject areas shown below. Please note that some browsers (i.e., Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, and Mozilla Firefox) may be more compatible with the sites below than others, so if you are experiencing problems displaying information, consider trying a different browser.

Birth Statistics

Florida Birth Query System 

Birth Rate and Birth Count reports can be filtered to create custom data sets related to several indicators (including but not limited to):

• County 
• Race and/or ethnicity of mother
• Age and educational level of mother 
• Breastfeeding initiation
• Birthweight
• Father listed on certificate
• Smoking status
• Number of prenatal  visits
• WIC participation
• High Risk pregnancy

Comparing Hospitals, Hospice Providers, Surgery Centers, Home Helath Care Providers, Nursing Homes & Health Plans

Compare Hospitals, Hospice Providers, Ambulatory Surgery Centers, Nursing Homes, Health Plans. Examples of data sets for hospitals and ambulatory surgery centers include:
• Hospitalizations, length of stay, and charges (includes pediatrics, and adult readmission data)    
• Mortality Rates
• Complication / Infection Rates
• Facility Profiles
• Patient Satisfaction

Can limit by specific condition/disease and age group.

Sponsored by the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA).



Florida Health Charts:  Chronic Diseases

View indicators (deaths, hospitalizations, incidence) for chronic diseases such as Asthma, Coronary Heart Disease, Breast Cancer, Cervical Cancer, Diabetes, Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (CLRD), Prostate Cancer etc. by county. The County Chronic Disease Profile also provides county level statistics.

Behavioral risk factor data, such as “Adults who have ever been told they had hypertension”  and "Adults who have ever been told they had high blood cholesterol" are also available. Includes trend graphs of selected indicators including Age-Adjusted Rates for certain diseases. Can compare to the U.S. Healthy People 2020 Goal for selected conditions.


Part of the Florida Department of Health Division of Public Health Statistics & Performance Management website. 


Reportable and Infectious Diseases

View indicators (deaths, hospitalizations, incidence) for reportable and communicable diseases such as HIV/AIDS, STDs, Pneumonia/Influenza, Tuberculosis, vaccine-preventable diseases, etc. by county. Also includes statistics related to environmental conditions (e.g., arsenic poisoning, lead poisoning, mercury poisoning, pesticide-related illness, etc.) and immunization levels.  

Part of the Florida Department of Health Division of Public Health Statistics & Performance Management website. 



Florida Department of Education PK-12 Public School Data Publications & Reports

Main site:


Archival data is available as PDFs and Excel workbooks. Be sure to check the tabs at the bottom of the file to view the different tables. Broken down by county or district, has some school data. Reports include:

• (Staff)Teacher Demographics
• (Staff)Teacher Salary, Experience, and Degree Level
• (Staff) Gender Representation Among Professionals In Florida's Public Schools

• (Students) Graduation Rates by District and School
• (Students) English Language Learners
• (Students) Membership in Programs for Exceptional Students
• (Students) Year Absences: Students Absent 21+ Days (%)
• (Students) Dropout Rate (%)
• (Students) Membership in Florida Public Schools



Florida Vital Statistics Annual Reports

Broken down by county, has some city data. Reports available include:

• Resident Deaths For Incorporated Cities of 2,400 Or More Population, By Race, By County, Florida,
• Resident Deaths For Selected Causes, By Age Groups, By County (includes over 20 specific causes such as Cancer, Heart Diseases, Chronic Liver Disease/Cirrhosis, Septicemia, Stroke, etc.)
• Resident Deaths By Selected Causes, By County (Includes Accidents, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Flu/Pneumonia, Suicide, etc.)


Florida CHARTS (Community Health Assessment Resource Tool Set)

Reports include:
• FETAL AND INFANT DEATHS - Counts of Florida resident stillbirths and infant deaths, leading causes of death.
• DEATHS- Counts of Florida resident deaths for major causes of death (including but not limited to Cancer, Falls, Heart Diseases, HIV/AIDS, Homicide, Prostate  Cancer, etc.).

County & State Profiles: Leading Causes of Death

See Deaths: Counts/Rates located under Data Queries in the left hand side panel.

Leading Causes of Death by County will be listed under Quick Standard Reports:

Contains data for approximately 30 classifications including cancer, heart disease, chronic lower respiratory disease, unintentional injuries, stroke, Alzheimer's disease, septicemia, homicide, suicide, Parkinson's disease, Aids/Hiv, perinatal conditions, etc.

A 20 year trend graph is available for most conditions. Also contains estimates for Years of Potential Life Lost.

County Death Data Comparison  

Compare up to four Florida counties at a time.

Florida Morbidity Statistics Report 


Obesity and Health Behaviors

County Florida Healthiest Weight Profile

2014 data broken down by County. Includes percentage of adults who are overweight and percentage of adults who are obese by County. Also has Behavioral risk factor data, such as “Percentage of adults Who engage in no leisure-time physical activity” and many other related indicators.


Florida Behavioral Risk Factor Data report

Comprehensive reports in PDF. See County-level BRFSS Reports. Covers a wide variety of risk factors, indicators and conditions including (but not limited to) Arthritis, Asthma, Cholesterol Awareness, COPD, Diabetes, Disability, Hypertension Awareness, Kidney Disease, Obesity, Vision Impairment, Alcohol and Tobacco Use, Physical Activity & Nutrition, Cancer Screening, Cancer Screening/Breast, Health-Related Quality of Life, and Health Care Access & Coverage.


Traffic accident data

Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) Encyclopedia

Contains fatality statistics by county. To find FARS Data on Brevard County:
1) Go to
2) Click on the ‘FARS Data Tables’ tab and select ‘States’, then ‘Fatalities and Fatality Rates’(or one of the other Subheadings)
3) Click on ‘Florida’
4) Scroll down to ‘Brevard’

Subheadings include Crashes and All Victims, Occupants, Pedestrians, Alcohol, and Fatalities and Fatality Rates.


Crash and Citation Reports & Statistics

This website, sponsored by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles) have information on the total number of crashes as well as the number of suspected alcohol related crashes in municipalities (such as Merritt Island).

To find this information:
1) Go to the Crash and Citation Reports & Statistics webpage.
2) In the Traffic Crash Facts column, select a year to view. The Traffic Crash Facts page should open up. Scroll down and select Current Year.
3) Find the 'Crashes by Locality' table and scroll down to ‘Merritt
Island’ or a city of your choice. Alternatively, you could use the Find feature (CTRL + F) and search for Merritt Island within the PDF.
4) The Number of Total Crashes is listed next on the left, next to the number of Alcohol Suspected Crashes and Percent Alcohol Suspected.


Youth Substance Abuse, Violence, and Delinquent Behavior

Florida Youth Substance Abuse Survey (FYSAS) – (Even years broken down by county)

Try looking ‘County Reports’ and select a county, such as ‘Brevard’ or 'Orange'

Charts can include:
• Percentages of county youth and Florida statewide youth who reported having used various drugs in their lifetimes, by grade, sex and age
• Lifetime trend in alcohol, tobacco & other drug use for county youth.
• Percentages of county youth and Florida statewide youth who reported engaging in delinquent behavior within the past 12 months, by grade, sex and age.  Subsets can include but are not limited to: 
         - Carrying a handgun
         - Selling drugs
         - Attempting to steal a vehicle
         - Taking a handgun to school
         - Getting arrested
• Percentages of county youth and Florida statewide youth who reported a perceived risk of harm or personal disapproval, by grade, sex and age
• Percentages of county youth who reported gambling and arguing about gambling in the past 12 months, by grade, sex and age.


Other Statistical Sources

The U.S. Federal Government's principal vital and health statistics agency

U.S. Census

The U.S. government site for all data collected by the U.S. Census Bureau.

HCUPnet: Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) 

Provides access to health statistics and information on hospital inpatient and emergency department utilization.

American FactFinder (U.S. Census)

FREIDA- Florida Research & Economic Information Database Application