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John C. Hitt Library (Main Campus)
THE 331x - Theatre History & Dramatic Literature I, II, & III
Environmental Theatre (1960s)
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THE 331x - Theatre History & Dramatic Literature I, II, & III
a course guide for THE 3311, THE 3312, and THE 3313
Citation Styles
THE 3311
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Greek (534-150 BCE)
Roman (280 BCE-1st century)
Sanskrit (2nd-9th centuries)
Medieval European (10th-16th centuries)
Javanese (11th century+)
Egyptian (13th century)
Chinese (13th-14th centuries)
Japanese Nō (14th century+)
Italian (16th-17th centuries)
English (16th century-1642)
THE 3312
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French (17th & 18th centuries)
English (1660-18th century)
Japanese (16th century+)
German (18th century)
Romanticism (19th century)
Spanish (1500-1700)
Melodrama (19th century)
Well-made Plays (19th century+)
Grand-Guignol (1894 – 1950s)
Naturalism & Realism (1870s+)
Colonial Mexico (17th century)
Indian (19th century+)
THE 3313
Symbolisme (1890s)
Expressionists (1900s – 1930s)
Dada (1915 – 1923) & Futurism
Surrealism (1920s – 1930s)
American Avant-garde (1912 – 1930s)
Black American Avant-garde (1912 – 1940s)
Chinese Avant-garde (1960s - 1970s)
Brecht and Federal Theatre Project (1930s)
Mid-century American Theatre (1940s – 1950s)
Theatre of the Absurd & Other Mid-century Work
Black Arts Movement
Environmental Theatre (1960s)
Post-War British Theatre
African & Diasporic Theatre
Identity-Politics Theatre in the U.S.
New Brutalism (c. 1980s+)
Immersive Theatre
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Native American & Indigenous
Latin American Theatre (1970s - 1980s)
Queer Theatre
Reviews of Performances
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6 Axioms for Environmental Theatre
by Richard Schechner
The Drama Review: TDR, vol. 12, no. 3, pp 41-64
Black Arts Movement
Post-War British Theatre >>