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THE 331x - Theatre History & Dramatic Literature I, II, & III

a course guide for THE 3311, THE 3312, and THE 3313

Crash Course Theater & Drama


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You can contact your subject librarian for assistance in fixing links. This "Fixing Links" pdf provides some specific examples for various databases.

Search for theatre history books

Search for social history books

Search the UCF Library catalog for:

social history, social aspects, social conditions, social life & customs

For example:

Don't focus your initial search terms on a specific time period since a book with broader time coverage might include a chapter covering the time you're researching. Examine the subject headings used in the library catalog record for individual books to identify ways to focus the search to a specific time period, e.g.,

to 146 B.C., 16th century, Tang dynasty

Theatre & Literature Databases

History & Culture Databases

Theatre, Society & the Nation

Search the UCF Library catalog for related titles:

Drama Collections

Literature and Its Times

Other volumes in the series (not available at UCF):

  • African literature & its times (USF)
  • British and Irish literature and its times : the Victorian era to the present (1837- ) (USF)
  • Classical literature & its times (Valencia East and USF)
  • Italian literature & its times (USF)
  • Middle Eastern literatures & their times (USF)
  • Spanish & Portuguese literatures & their times : The Iberian peninsula (Eastern Florida Cocoa and USF)