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Graduate Nursing Library Resources: Nurse Educator Track: 3. EZProxy remote login

Remote Access methods

Most of the electronic resources available in the UCF library are also available from off-campus on your home PC. These electronic resources include approximately 325 databases, 24,000 online journals and more than 590,000 electronic books. However, use of these resources is restricted to currently registered students; therefore, access from off-campus requires authentication.

The easiest and recommended method of remote access is to use the EZProxy from the UCF Library Articles & Databases ( web page. You can either enter your NID and NID password OR  your Library ID number (from your UCF card) and the last 4 digits of your PID. 

Wait until you see a message “Successfully logged in”, then from the alphabetical listing of databases, click on the database you want to search. To make sure EZProxy is active, check to see that the URL address contains “”.

Should you encounter problems with the EZProxy contact the UCF Ask a Librarian service by telephone at (407) 823-2562 or toll free at (866) 271-7589 for assistance.