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Graduate Nursing Library Resources: Nurse Educator Track: 3. EndNote


General Information:

EndNote is a citation management software program that allows you to collect and organize citations, as well as create bibliographies with ease. EndNote is one of many citation management programs that will help simplify and enhance your research. EndNote is available for FREE to all current UCF faculty, staff and students. You can download Endnote and find out how to get more help from the following library web page:

EndNote makes it possible to search library catalogs from around the world so you can quickly add citations to your Endnote Libraries. Plus, while searching the libraries’ electronic databases, such as Academic Search Premier or CINAHL, you can easily export citations into your EndNote Libraries. Probably the most popular feature is the ability to quickly & easily create and format in-text citations and bibliographies. EndNote works with Microsoft Word, allowing you to format your paper according to a specific citation style.

For more detailed information about Endnote, consult this Research Guide:

Try EndNote the next time you are working on a research paper!