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Graduate Nursing Library Resources: Nurse Educator Track: Peer-reviewed

Peer Reviewed Journals

Peer Reviewed Journals

Peer reviewed or refereed journals are scholarly publications that publish articles that have been through a review process by a peer group.

  • article is critically evaluated by other specialists or scholars in article’s subject area during the review process and before publication.
  • how do scholarly publications differ from magazines read "What’s the Difference? Scholarly Journals vs. Magazines"

How do I find a peer reviewed or refereed journal article?

  • Easiest way is use the limiter in a database.
  • Check the Help section of the database for assistance in using available limiters.
  • Many databases allow you to limit to scholarly journals directly from the results list.
  • Some databases contain only scholarly resources.
  • Look for information that describes the database or check the Help section.

Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory is a database that provides detailed information about journals, magazines, and newspapers.

  • Search by journal title to find publication and format information, where the journal is indexed, and if it's refereed (peer reviewed).
  • Do not use Ulrich's to search for articles or article titles.
  • Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory is available via Articles & Databases from the UCF Library home page (login required).

More information can be found on the following web sites:

Peer-Reviewed or Refereed Journals

NCSU Peer Reviewed in Three Minutes