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Graduate Nursing Library Resources: Access

Logging into the library


Most of the electronic resources available in the UCF library are also available from off-campus on your home PC. These electronic resources include approximately 325 databases, 24,000 online journals and more than 600,000 electronic books. However, use of these resources is restricted to currently registered students; therefore, access from off-campus requires authentication.

The easiest and recommended method of remote access is to use your NID and NID password to log in from the UCF Library My Accounts web page. Simply click on the database you want to search then log in when prompted. 


Here are two methods to log into the library resources:

a)  From your UCF online course, click on UCF Library Tools

b) Click on Articles & Databases, then

c) In the upper right hand corner, click on OpenAthens Login for UCF and log in.




a) Start out from the library homepage and click on My Account in the upper right-hand corner


b) Click on the OpenAthens Login for UCF button in the middle of the page

c) Log in with your NID/pw at the prompt

d) On the next screen, click on Database List and Subject Pages

e) On the right hand side (under popular databases) click on CINAHL Plus with Full Text, Medline, or another database or browse a subject on the left hand side.