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Where is the Full Text?

If you see a PDF link or a Linked Full Text link, use these first to get to the article.

If these are not available, click on   when you are in a database to link to any full text articles the library owns.

No Full Text?

If the article you need is not online at all, request the article using Interlibrary Loan.

For detailed information, click on the Interlibrary Loan tab.



Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature. The major nursing database! Use this database to find scholarly articles from all nursing journals.


The largest medical database in the world. This database includes scholarly articles from all categories of medicine and includes nursing journals.

The free version of Medline. ''Note, the link above requires login for off-campus access and provides inks to UCF Library full text articles. For access with no login, use this link: PubMed (no link to UCF full text articles).

Covers scholarly literature in all aspects of psychology and related fields.

Use this database to find systematic reviews that try to answer clinical questions using evidence based medicine meta-analyses.

Use this database to find information on instruments gathered from hundreds of journals covering health sciences and psychosocial sciences.

Use this database to search a nursing or medical topic. A key feature allows you to move forward in time. You can click on links to see who has cited an article.

Full text of over 50 medical reference book, over 80 journals and Clinics of North America. Also includes peer-reviewed practice guidelines, patient handouts which you can customize, and drug information.


What about Google Scholar?

Google Scholar ( is a database of scholarly articles and is an excellent resource.

(If you're looking for nursing articles, the best place to start is Cinahl since it contains all nursing journals.)

If you use Google Scholar, be sure and set the Scholar Preferences so that articles link to the full text the UCF Library buys for you.

Click on Scholar Preferences, then in the Library Links box, type in University of Central Florida Libraries, and select.

Save your preferences.

The Get Full Text @ UCF link will now be added to the results in Google Scholar.