Blankety, B. (2008). A research study to determine whether nursing students are stressed. Journal of Important Nursing Research, 24, 321-325.
Sometimes your professor will place a link to an article in your WebCourse.
You'll see a very long URL.
Copy and paste the link into a new browser and hit enter.
Log into the library.
You should see the record of the article in a database, like Cinahl.
Look for a PDF or the Get Full Text
The PDF will take you directly to the article.
The Get Full Text icon will show options to get the article from another publisher or database that the library buys.
Click on the red GO.
Find the PDF or HTML for the article.
There are several ways to find an article online from the citation.
Option1: Use a database, like Cinahl or Medline
From the library home page, click on Databases, and select either Cinahl or Medline.
Type the author's last name into a search box, and change the pull-down menu across from the search box to Author.
Type words from the title into another search box, and change the pull-down menu across from the search box to Title.
Use the available links (PDF, Linked Full Text, or Get Full Text) to get the full article.
Option 2: Using Online Journals
From the library home page, click on Quick Links, then Online Journals.
Type in the name of the journal, and then click on the journal title. If you have more than one option listed for places to find the article, look for the option that contains the year of the article you need.
Once you are on the page for the journal, follow the citation information for the article (year, volume, issue, and first page) to find the correct article.
Then look for the full text or PDF of the article.
Option 3: Use Google Scholar
Go to
Make sure to set up Google Scholar to link to the UCF library. To do this, click on Scholar Preferences.
In the box for Library Links, type in University of Central Florida, and then select the box for the UCF Libraries.
Click on Save Preferences at the bottom of the screen.
Then search for the title of the article you need in the Google Scholar search box.
If the article you need appears, look for a link to the PDF or use the Full Text @ UCF link to get to the complete article.
If the Get Full Text button isn't working, try Option 2 (Online Journals) or theLibrary Catalog (using a Journal Title search) to find the article.
If none of the above methods work or the article you need is not online at all, order the article using Interlibrary Loan! It's fast, it's free!