LexisNexis Academic
Direct links to LexisNexis Academic search forms:
Education Law (LexisNexis Wiki for Higher Education) - This research guide provides additional tips for researching education law in LexisNexis Academic, LexisNexis Congressional, and LexisNexis Statistical.
- Definitions
- Key Topics
- Major Legislation
- Law Reviews & Newsletters
- Professional Journals & News Sources
Sorting the search results in LexisNexis Academic - With the results of your search displayed, use the options in the left column to:
- List Results by State - Change the drop-down selection for Result Groups from "Sources by Category" to "Publication Name". The result groups in the left column will list the individual states, organized with the states with the most reported cases first. NOTE: There may be more than one group in the list for each state, e.g., cases from the Courts of Appeals and from the Supreme Court.
- Group State Publications Together - Select the "A-Z" button near the top of the left column to resort the publications alphabetically, which should pull together all of the groups for each state, e.g., FL Courts of Appeals Cases from 1957 followed by FL Supreme Court Cases from 1846 (if there are results in both levels of court).
- View Multiple Groups - To display the results of two or more groups simultaneously, select "View Multiple Groups" near the top of the left column, check the boxes for the desired groups, and select the "View Selected" button.
How to navigate from the LexisNexis Academic home page to the search forms for sources:
- Connect to the LexisNexis Academic home page
- Sources - select "Browse" near the top center of the page (Source Directory: Find or Browse)
- Area of Law - In "Browse Sources", step 1, change from "Publication Type" to "Area of Law"
- Education Law - In "Browse Sources", step 3 - "Select a category to view sources", scroll down and select the folder for "Education Law"
- Federal & State Education Law Cases - Check the boxes for one or more sources to be searched, e.g., "Federal & State Education Law Cases".
- OK - Continue - Select the "OK - Continue" button on the right side of the screen, which will connect to the Power Search form with the source(s) you chose as the selection in the "Select Sources" drop-down box.
- Conduct your search.