Treaty Status (Thomas, Library of Congress)
Complete coverage begins with the 94th Congress (1975). Older treaties from 90th - 93rd Congresses (1967-1974) are included if they were pending in 1975 when the database was created. Searchable by Congress, Treaty Number, Word/Phrase, Type of Treaty, and Date Transmitted to Senate.
Types of treaties include:
Also provides a link to GPO for searchable lists of treaties submitted to the Senate, 104th Congress to the present (1995+), including pdf versions containing the texts of treaties.
Senate Treaty Documents (called Senate Executive Documents until the 97th Congress, 1981) contain the text of treaties proposed by the President for ratification by the Senate.
Senate Executive Reports contain the analyses and recommendations of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
U.S. Senate - Legislation & Records - Treaties
U.S. Senate - Art & History - Origins & Development - Powers & Procedures - Treaties
U.S. Senate - Reference - Virtual Reference Desk - Treaties
The Senate's Role in the Treaty Process
- Status of Senate Action on Treaties in the Current Congress
- Senate Consideration of Treaties
- Treaties & Other International Agreements: The Role of the Senate
Historic Treaty Debates
- Uproar Over Senate Treaty Approval, June 24, 1795
- Woodrow Wilson Addresses the Senate, July 10, 1919
- A Bitter Rejection, November 19, 1919