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Treaties and International Agreements: Key Resources

United Nations Treaty Collection

Council of Europe Treaties

includes the text for many treaties from the European Treaty Series (ETS)


World Treaty Index

World Treaty Index

To locate the text of treaties at UCF, your best choices of sources from this index are:

also identifies 120 national sources for 22,000 treaties.

  • Volume 1: Treaty Profiles - "consists mainly of statistical tables that give the user an overview of the universe of treaties. Treaty patterns are shown in global, regional and national perspectives as well as by topics and trends over time."
  • Volumes 2 & 3: Main Entry Section - "show for each treaty all the information the INDEX has on that treaty":
    • Signature Date & Citation
    • Name & Title
    • Date on which the treaty entered into force
    • Language
    • Registration date with the League of Nations or the United Nations
    • Registering party or parties
    • International organizations mentioned in the text of the treaty
    • Footnote references to earlier treaties
    • Topic -- main theme of the treaty
    • Parties
    • Annex -- post-signature treaty history
  • Volume 4: Party Index - "lists all treaty-making entities in alphabetical order, and for each entity all its bilateral treaty partners in alphabetical order, and within each partner all mutual treaties in chronological order. The multilateral treaties of each entity follow at the end of the bilateral partners, in the same format as if each were a bilateral treaty between State A and an entity called 'Multilateral.' Each treaty shows a limited set of basic information, i.e., bilateral parties, date of signature, topic, and citation. For further information the user can go (via date) to the Main Entry Section or (via citation) to the treaty itself."
  • Volume 5: Keyword Index