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Psychology - Online Resources

Online psychology sources developed by UCF Connect librarians.

Possible Test/Measure/Scales resources

1. Helen Hough, a librarian at the University of Texas/Arlington, has created a resource on the web for locating tests/measures in 128 compilation books, covering approximately 12,000 measures. There is a Quick Search function on the webpage that you can use to search for a measure. If you locate one, then check to see if UCF owns the book. If you are near campus, you can check it out. If not, you can request, via Interlibrary Loan, the designated pages of the book or the book itself.

2. Social-Personality Psychology Questionnaire Instrument Compendium (QIC). Website where the full instrument is shown and it was put on the web by the person who created the instrument. This makes the test in the public domain. Website maintained by Alan Reifman, Professor Human Development & Family Studies, Texas Tech University.

3. ETS – Educational Testing Service – overview of more than 25,000 tests available for purchasing. Or go ahead and search/find tips here:

4.  APA Online: FAQ/ Finding Information about Psychological Tests

5. LinkedIn has an ETS Educational measurement, psychometrics, and research group.You can join and follow discussions, ask questions, and follow research. You would need a LinkedIn account to do so.