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Psychology - Online Resources

Online psychology sources developed by UCF Connect librarians.

Find the Full Text using the Online Journals link

Lounsbury, J., Fisher, L., Levy, J., & Welsh, D. (2009). An investigation of character strengths in relation to the academic success of college students. Individual Differences Research, 7(1), 52-69.


To successfully use the Online Journals feature, you must be connected directly to UCF or have the EZProxy activated.

From the UCF Library Home Page, click on Online Journals. (The link will appear under the search box) 

Enter the title of a specific journal and click Submit to see if it is available electronically. If you have an incomplete title, you will have to scroll through the suggested journal titles to check.

Click on the title of the journal. The next screen shows your options for databases. They may provide the full text of your article.

Click on the database: Academic Search Premier.

Click on the information about the article, such as year, volume, issue and/or pages. Scroll the list of articles available from that issue in the database page or follow the table of contents of the journal for the title of your article.

To see all available online journals, click on Online Journals and choose a letter to browse journal titles.