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Psychology - Online Resources

Online psychology sources developed by UCF Connect librarians.

Special databases for test info

Online Databases via UCF Library

Mental Measurements Yearbook (MMY) -contains the full text information about and reviews of all English-language standardized tests as included in the printed Mental Measurements Yearbooks, 8-20, electronically through this database. These are comprehensive analyses of more than 2,000 tests.  Complete reviews, which contain information on  the tests’ purpose, population tested, publication date, administration time, and descriptive evaluations may be available. These are not the tests themselves. Areas covered include psychology, education, business and leadership.

Please note that the review(s) are written as one document and you will need to look for the ending of one review and beginning of another to separate them.

Useful instructions for searching the MMY, lots of detail including suggestions on citing (scroll down to Tools) and reviewing tests:

Health & Psychosocial Instruments (HAPI) - provides information from 1985 to the present, on approximately 15,000 measures, about behavioral measurement instruments, such as questionnaires, interview schedules, coding schemes/manuals, rating scales, and tests. 

Remember - MMY and HAPI will not give you the tests themselves, but they will provide information that can help you locate test. They may provide sources for journal articles, which could lead to locating the item.

PsycInfo – approximately 3,000,000 records focusing on behavioral sciences and mental health, dating from the 1800s to the present. 98% peer-reviewed. Searching only PsycInfo, look for the TM Tests & Measures field on the dropdown choices of search fields. Reading the abstract page will provide information on what tests or measures were used.

ERIC via Ebsco – Educational Resource Information Center database, contains records on more than a 1,300,000 education-related items. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education, it provides electronic access to journal and non-journal education literature, from 1966-present. Under Search options, bottom part of inital search screen, change the Publication Type to equal Tests & Questionnaires. Read the abstract page to locate further information.

Cinahl - comprehensive resource for nursing and allied health information. Instrumentation is a field you can limit to from the search page when trying to locate a measure/test/scale or information on a research instrument.

Print Materials: (if you want to view a book). These are Reference books that provide information on the test/measure/scale and must be used within a library. They do not include the test/measure/scale itself. Check your local academic library if you wish to view print resources. Remember that most of the information can be found in an online resource.

Tests in Print (TIP) – current tests are in latest volume.

Test Critiques – may give more information on a test.

Tests (look for current edition)

Comprehensive Handbook of Psychological Assessment

Books on testing often have words like “assessment,” “instruments,” “measurement,” “researching,” “scaling,” or “testing” in the titles, chapter titles, subject headings, or description. Some may contain scales or tests. Search the UCF Library catalog using the Advanced Search and a variety of synonyms. If you are near another state university, or college in your area, check their catalog for these Reference books. Most academic libraries will have them.