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Psychology - Online Resources

Online psychology sources developed by UCF Connect librarians.

Oxford Scholarship Online: ebooks are available


Has a scholarly selection of psychology ebooks. Some titles may not be available. You can browse by Subject or Search. After you search with your keywords, a list of Results will appear.  Clicking on the Full Text link of a book provides the book chapter view. Clicking on the title of a book provides an abstract and links to all the chapters within the book. It's a good idea to use the Narrow Your Choices box in the left hand column.


After searching with your keywords, click on the Full Text link to open a book.  There is a chapter link below the synopsis and keywords. It allows you to choose a chapter. You can print or view the chapter as a PDF document by clicking on the View PDF link in the upper right of the chapter. Use the icons located above the title of the book.


You can easily go to another chapter by scrolling the thumbnail of book chapters which appears in the left column under Contents.  You can also search within the full text of a book.


Advanced Search allows you to make your search more precise. For example, you can search for a particular author, in the abstracts, and in the keywords at one time.  You can search across all the books, not just the psychology subject set.