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NGR 6801 - Research Methods: 2. Process

Search Process

The process of developing and writing a research paper can be intimidating. The following steps will help you organize your research, make the process less intimidating, and create good quality research papers.

Develop or Select a Topic
(Try to choose a topic that interests you.)

What are the main concepts?
(Keywords, synonyms, related terms)

Find overview or background info on the topic
(General or subject specific encyclopedias)

Review your topic
(Your topic needs broadening – it is too narrow not enough information available)
(Your topic needs narrowing – it is too broad, too much information, cannot be knowledgeable on all aspects of the topic)

Locate and retrieve materials
(Library Catalog, databases for eBooks, databases for scholarly journals, Internet resources)
(Save time - Make notes of what and where you find your information)

Evaluate your sources and select best sources
(Review sources by authority, accuracy, objectivity, currency, and coverage)

Organize, Write and Revise

Document your sources

*Having trouble – Check with a librarian

*Be willing to use a Thesaurus or Subject resource (encyclopedia, subject heading list in a database or catalog)